Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bomb Diggity List

So you may have noticed of late a distinct decrease in blogging.

This is for many reasons but the biggest of which is that I've started dating someone... in fact, I even call him my boyfriend from time to time...

And obviously new relationships take up a lot of time, which one might normally spend blogging.

But despite my lessened blogging time I'm having a fine old time and remembering all over again all the wonderful things that boys can/will do for you that you *could* do for yourself.. only you spend three times more effort than they seem to expend on the same activity.

So let me give a list to you of the many reasons why I have remembered that Boyfriends are the Bomb Diggity. (in no particular order)
  1. Boyfriends can change your lightbulbs without a step ladder.
  2. Boyfriends can hang that last picture in your stairwell that neither you nor any of your other friends could reach to hang.
  3. Boyfriends will watch Dr. Who with you.
  4. Boyfriends will make you breakfast for dinner. (Best pancakes evah!)
    4.5 Boyfriends will buy you dinner (different night... I don't have two dinners a day).
  5. Boyfriends will play games with your friends.
  6. Boyfriends will convince you to try Star Wars Risk, which you will like despite your initial misgivings.
  7. Boyfriends will introduce you to yummy new foods like corned beef hash and horchata (not at the same time).
  8. Boyfriends will tuck a blanket all around you so you won't be cold anymore.
  9. Boyfriends have tiny tiny screwdrivers to fix your broken sunglasses.... and they will do the fixin for you, even though you totally just meant for them to bring over the tool so you could fix your own eyewear.
  10. Boyfriends will take away the excess cookies so you are no longer haunted with the choice of either wasting the cookies or eating the cookies- neither of which you want to do.

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