Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I want to be on vacation...

I blame the Spring Breakers.

I also want to make a quilt.

I have no one to blame that on, except myself and how much fabric I've been looking at the past few weeks.

If you make a quilt top you can pay someone to actually make it into a quilt, right? I think this is true, but I don't know how to find such a person/business... I probably would if I'd actually go to a quilting store, huh?

I've made some progress at home on the unpacking-- all my clothes (except the missing ones, which are still missing) and 8 boxes in the kitchen, just last night.

I took pictures but they are all terrible because I couldn't zoom out enough to get a good shot, I don't have any art up, and there is still a long way to go.

So, all you are going to get is this picture from the 1/2 bath downstairs.

But that's pretty fun, eh??

Unfortunately the bathroom is still big enough that it needs more art/ stuff on the walls. So now I have to find something... or make something that goes well with the bird/tree stuff... My apartment theme is apparently "Put a bird on it."

In other news I've figured out how to schedule blog posts so I can write one on my lunch break and schedule it to post at 11:30 at night.

Also I'm rediscovering my love for Craig Ferguson... the problem with Craig is that he makes all the other talk show hosts seem really lame and not funny at all.

Probably because they are.

... or should that be "they aren't"?


  1. I have a friend that owns a quilt shop here in Greenwood (the lady that sits in front of me in church.) We can go to her if you ever get to that point.

  2. Apparently my decorating style has also become "put a bird on it." Birds in the kitchen AND in the nursery...perhaps I should just embrace it and use it to tie all the rooms together.


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