Saturday, March 24, 2012


I’ve been pondering myself. In part because moving makes me introspective, in part because I’m feeling lonely, and in part because when you don’t have the internet you find yourself with a lot of excess time on your hands… at least I do. And I realized… (and some might laugh to hear this, because I obviously know so little about myself and how I work, but)-- I don’t premeditate. Kara used to tell me in college about how she would have entire imaginary conversations where she would guess what the other person would say and then respond to that. Then she would find that person, have that talk, and it would go exactly as she’d played it out in her head. I can’t do that. Every once in a while I can tell you what the next line of dialogue is in a TV show or movie, but only when given the line right before. If I tried to predict an entire conversation I would go so far off into left field I’d start playing soccer.

But it’s more than just not being able to tell how other people will respond to me… I normally don’t know how I will respond to something. I just react and then figure it out later.

It means I’m a pretty good listener because I’m really paying attention to what the person is saying, though I think it’s part of why I make bad first impressions… because it never even occurs to me to resort to the tactics I’ve learned to make people feel comfortable. I never have a plan.

Which is great if you want someone who is laidback and willing to change plans at the drop of a hat. Less awesome if you want a decision.

*Much* less awesome if you want to know why I’m doing something… because If you ask I will have to stop and think about it and talk through it and maybe only then figure out some deep-seated desire I’m trying to fulfill.

It also makes flirting confusing, because normally I’m just responding in kind to flirting that’s headed my way… I’d say a good 2/3 of the time I don’t even know that I’m flirting until after the fact… That seems like it could be a problem.

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record - the conversation only occasionally goes like I think it will. But those times make me feel awesome so I talk about them. It's not fun to talk about the times the conversation doesn't go like I think it will. And, bar none, the most common result of my rehearsed conversations is that I don't ever initiate the conversation - b/c something comes up that I realize I have to pray about (read: my sin becomes apparent) and then I have to talk to God, and feel sorry, and repent - and that stuff is DEFINITELY not fun to talk about.

    So - not to un-make your point - I *do* think you aren't really a planner when it comes to your relationships; I just felt it was necessary for me to come clean, lest my past boasts of I-knew-it-would-go-that-way lead to a belief that that scenario is a normal occurrence for me (or for like, half of all people, b/c you only use the two of us in your example).


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