Sunday, October 21, 2012

I dreamed a dream in time gone by...

I think I'm developing an earache.

I used to get them all the time when I was little and had to take really gross tasting medicine that was kept in the refrigerator. It was pink and tasted like "bubble gum." Haven't had one for quite some time now. Weird.

My brain confounds me sometimes. Why do I remember things like this??

Oh on a side note- You know how I made that post last time that was all sad about how that drunk guy didn't hit on me when he hit on the other girls??

Well, the next day I was in Wal-mart looking at the cake pans and this guy walks up behind me and as he's passing me says, "Man, you are very beautiful."

I looked up and around, but I was the only one in the aisle. I started to say thanks to his back. I got out, "Th-," before he turned back for a moment to say, "Your man is a real lucky guy."

Then he turned and kept walking as I actually got out, "Thank you!"

It was the most surreal experience, but completely wonderful. All I was doing was standing in a deserted aisle checking my phone. And like the guy was just there and gone again in 30 seconds. He kinda seemed like he was in a hurry, actually... It was like he just couldn't help but comment on it. Like I said- Wonderful.

I tried so hard today to get homework done and failed so hard at it. Tomorrow is going to be a heap-big-homework day.

Also my aunt Dawn sent me a card in the mail just cause she found it and it made her think of me... It was great... and the fact that there was a Starbucks card inside didn't hurt matters, any.

I've been going through my pictures on facebook and I saw a few I took of Nathan when I first got my digital camera... It's a really strange feeling. Like I see them and I love and miss him so much... but at the same time it doesn't even feel like it was my life. It still feels so much like a dream or a tv show or a movie... This delightful/ tragic story that happened to "me", but once removed. I can't help but wonder if that's all a coping mechanism or if it's always going to feel like a lovely dream I once had.

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