Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day.... and then some random thoughts

My sister hates this holiday. She thinks it's a holiday that was made up pretty well for greeting card companies, and that it's really cruel to the people in the world who desperately want to be mothers, but can't, for one reason or another, and for those who have lost their mothers. And she makes good points, but I still feel like we need to have a day to acknowledge our moms, and honestly without a big hoopla of a day, there might be mothers who go unsung, and I think that might be just as sad.

So I'm going to continue to embrace the spirit of the holiday, and say happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms out there- in particular, my two mothers. I love you, both.

Less than a week until Nathan graduates.

I really missed him today. Something happened that would have had us in stitches for hours, but he wasn't here to laugh with me. I miss laughing with him a lot. I think a lot of things are funny, in this life, but sharing the funny things with others increases the humor, almost without exception.  I *really* miss his constant companionship. You may think this is really weird, but I find having a male presence around really calming. I know, I'm already pretty laid back... but... guys are kinda soothing to me... I think it's cause they are, for the most part, a lot easier for me to read- and I have an easier time assuming they like me. I have no idea why it's easier to assume that males like me rather than that females do. That's a weird little quirk to discover in oneself... huh...

Seriously, all my self discoveries happen this way. I'm just going along my merry way and then I say something about myself off handedly that I *then* realize I've never noticed about myself, even though I can recognize that it's true. And if it's in the midst of a group conversation I will pass it off as though I didn't just make a discovery, and later marvel to close friends.

Oh come on, I know I'm not the only one who pretends to understand things in conversation, when in fact I don't understand at all. Sometimes I start talking and then the understanding dawns on me and I realize how what I'm saying actually relates to the topic... and sometimes I just keep quiet or sound like a moron... My favorite thing is when I manage to make brilliant leaps and then I have to make up my way backwards if questioned as to how I got there. It's really exciting when you can pull that kind of thing off.

I think maybe I should take the Myers-Briggs again... I'm starting to wonder if my type has changed, or if I'm just more aware of my intuition... cause this is kinda the way I've always been, I think... but I suppose the MB test really is a measure not of our personality, but more of our *perception* of our personality. So I bet my answers would change even if my type really didn't change. Oh personality tests, I love you with a love unfading.


  1. I like this post. I like how you say you have to make up your way backwards if questioned. I love tracing conversations backward - and I like to think you've made that stuff up. It makes it mysterious.

    Yesterday, in the car, Katie and I talked about Keanu Reeves twice - two separate occasions. I can't remember how either started. You should make up a way for us backwards. Yes - that makes sense.

  2. I think if you like to be friends with people who are easy to read, it might explain why we are such good friends! I mean, I know everyone thinks they are easy to understand, but I can't hide a thing. It's ridiculous.


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