Thursday, May 31, 2012

Schueduling Goodbye

I definitely cried watching Glee...

I'm not good with goodbyes.... even fake ones.

I broke my desk... well actually, my desk has been broken for a long time... several several years, actually.... but now it's actually broken to the point that it won't be super functional ... unless it's ok for a computer tower to sit slanted? Heck if I know.

ooooh it's raining up a storm outside...

Heh, I like it. "Raining up a storm."

I think I'm so clever sometimes.

I met with my writers group for the last time in person... We are going to try and do a Skype/google meeting but Mandi is going to be in Florida for at least 2 years. (Master's program) And at least one of the boys is going to be on a ranch for the summer.

It's too bad, actually. I love the four of us getting together. We have such a fun time/dynamic. We have group conversations and conversations with just two of us over top of a conversation the other two are having and we can seamlessly transition in and out of the group conversation and switch conversation partners without even thinking about it and it's great. We won't be able to do that with Skype...

So that's a goodbye.

Worked on video game stuff a bit tonight. I love working on the video game stuff. I always feel super productive, and Ryan always says thanks when I send him stuff. You wouldn't think that would be a big deal, but it kinda is. Affirmation and appreciation... pretty much the way to get me to do nearly anything.

I've got to nail down a schedule for my life or my summer is going to fly past me and I'm not going to have gotten anything done... including food. I ate today at 6PM and at 2AM... yep. Ridiculous.

And with that... it's 4AM. Seriously this is my natural sleep schedule. I keep wondering if I could manage to  keep going around and if I would settle into a "normal" pattern if I just went around the horn, if you will. Not pulling an all-nighter, but just pushing it a little further until I'm sleeping during the right time.

Maybe this means I'm supposed to live in Asia... or Europe somewhere... I don't know where... my understanding of time and time zones is shaky in the best of moments.

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