Thursday, October 7, 2010

If I Have Multiple Personalities, None of Us Can Stay on Topic.

I made some cupcakes last night. I've been in a very bake-y kinda mood lately. Someone asked me today if I liked to bake and the answer to that is yes, but what I like even more than baking is sharing. This is why I baked so much in college, I think. Cause I had an unending supply of grateful boys who loved cookies. It's not about the eating, it's about the sharing. I found a recipe for the Petite Vanilla Bean Scones like the ones from Starbucks on Pioneer Woman Cooks (where I've been trolling lately for dinner recipes, cause we need to scale back on the eating out.) The scone recipe lead me to look for more "copy cat" recipes for the scones (I like to compare recipes!) Then I got to thinking about Vanilla Beans and how expensive they are here and how there has to be a better deal out there on the internets and then I found a website where you can buy a pound of vanilla beans for 20 dollars. 20 Dollars!?! So I think I'm gonna be making a vanilla purchase sometime soon.

We got a new computer! It came in the mail yesterday, but Nathan, the poor soul, is working on a paper that he is presenting tomorrow, and so he can't open it up and set it up or play with it or anything.. He's pretty bummed, but I'm proud of him for getting done what he needs to get done.

I've decided that I dislike the Myers Briggs test. Now anyone who knows me might find this a surprise, because generally I love personality tests. But here's the problem with ole' MB. The only letter that I am consistently is F(Feeler). Pretty much every other letter can flip flop from one to the other like no one's business. And not within the span of years. I took two different MB tests the other day and got answers that that were different. This was in the course of an hour. I'm sometimes an introvert, sometimes not. (I like to say I'm a shy extrovert, so I want to hang out with people all the time, but it's a little hard to get to know me cause I'm so awkward and make such a bad first impression) I come out in the middle on the "sensing/intuiting" continuum and the "perceiving/judging" spectrum as well. But does Myers Briggs make me feel good that I'm a well-rounded individual? NO! I feel bad cause I can't get a single description that I feel speaks about me. I mean I can pick and choose a paragraph here and there and cobble together something that I can pretend is supposed to be all one description, but I had better luck with the "What type of dog are you" quiz. (I'm a Golden Retriever, by the way). It's just wrong that a test I answer 50 questions on can give me the same amount of accuracy as my zodiac symbol description. (Yes, I am fiercely loyal, thank you!) And yet maybe it's because I don't know myself that well... I wonder what would happen if Nathan took both tests "for" me in an hour... maybe they would be the same, then. Oooooor maybe I have multiple personalities, and I never knew it... or maybe you have multiple personalities!


Sorry, got a little carried away with my own little weird tirade there. Anyway, suffice it to say, I'm not amused by Messieurs Mademoiselles Myers and Briggs and their inability to tell me what I'm like.

Sometimes I worry that I make too long of blog posts, but then I think that I'm not forcing anyone to read them, so if people think they are too long they can just stop reading.

I have decided that even more than the owl I like peacocks. However the caveat to this must be- only in non-real form. While I wouldn't love having a real owl around, real peacocks are a pain to keep around and they make pretty disturbing noises. (Some sound like a woman's scream.) But peacocks in jewelry, animation, and cake are all fabulous, and even their feathers are pretty. Some day maybe I'll have a peacock room just like Elvis... and hopefully I can have his 15 ft long couch, too.

If I ever win a million dollars and buy a house I think I would pay to have Mike Holmes come out and inspect it. I bet Mike backs up his inspections with a 10 year make-it-right guarantee... on second thought can I just have him build me a home to begin with? Ya think he'd build a new Victorian?

ok new thought. Why don't they make theme songs the way they used to? Seriously- "Cheers," "Who's the Boss," "The Golden Girls," "The Wonder Years," "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," even "The Dukes of Hazard" and "Welcome Back, Kotter" Those were *theme* songs! They let you know what the show was about... now we have about 4 seconds of lyric-less music and we are off to the races. I don't know about you but I wish there was something more to the harmonized shout of  "Glee!" to start the show... And even when there is a song it's not one that was written for it (ala Gilmore Girls and Carol(e?) King) I just wanna know why theme songs died. I blame "Touched by an Angel" ...and that creeper clown. You know he's out there, up to no good.


  1. Both Meyers and Briggs were madames, madame! "Please Understand Me," the ENORMOUS book about the test, explains a lot of those issues. If you score in the middle, it doesn't mean you are less "strongly," any of those things, it just means you are less "clearly" one or the other. There are sections about people in the middle, why your result may not be the same each time, etc. Also, a lot of the online tests are "recreations" of the original, which is proprietary. The book is endlessly fascinating to me. They weren't trying to categorize people so much as lay out a framework to understand aspects of personality and the sort of baseline points of view that shape how we relate to other people. So there are sections not just about each four-letter type, but about each letter, and various combination of two letters (NFs vs STs, for example). I think it can be pretty helpful to realize that you range across types-- my sister, for example, says "I'm only a J at work, but when I go home, I get to be a P again."

  2. Sadie's comment is interesting. I love Myers Briggs because I'm ALWAYS an INTJ. But I guess that is all I have to say about that.

  3. Myers Briggs varies a lot based on how well (or poorly) that particular test is written. I'm an EJ (though like you, I'm shy) so one of my favorite car games is typing my friends. Questions like, "Do you think Bill is more of an F or a T?" drive Jon (IP) completely and absolutely batty.

    And the touched by an angel theme song is epic. Simply epic. "I'll waaalk with yoooou...till the SUN don't even shiiiiiiine..."

  4. Sadie- I fixed it now. This is what I get for wikipedia-ing and not actually reading the picture's captions (there is a picture of Mr. Jung, and I just assumed it was either Meyers or Briggs and went along my merrily incorrect way.)


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