Monday, October 11, 2010

This one's for you, Yawn.

My aunt says she misses my blogs... I'm not sure if she is ok with me mentioning her name on my blog so let's just say she is named after something that you call a morning and it rhymes with Yawn.... as you may be able to tell from my hints I don't think she'll mind. So here ya go, Auntie Dearest! *wave*

See the problem is, I got a new video game... and it's highly addictive. Add this to the fact that Nathan has been on the new desktop a lot to set it up and type his paper (He's done with his coursework, now!! "Just" a thesis to go!) and you get a girl who is slacking in the blogging department.

So I've been walking in the mornings with my dear chum... whose name is kinda like a measure of gold, only without a "t" and rhymes with Sara. This is the third week I've been doing it. The first week we walked every day (Mon-Fri) except for the Wednesday. (It was after Nathan's party and I managed to get a horrible crick in my neck and only got 3 hours of sleep so I had to beg off and catch a few more winks) The second week we walked Mon and Friday, as my pal- Let's call her Miss Molly, had to be out of town and then this week we will walk every day, except tomorrow cause Nathan and I are going to St. Louis. I am proud of Miss Molly and I. It's not Cross Fit by any stretch of the imagination, but it is the most consistent exercise I've done for about a year. I like walking.... mainly because it's exercise I can chit-chat during and at the end I'm not sweaty... I really hate being sweaty. ugh. But you wanna know the kicker? We walk at 7 in the morning. See! You have to admit you are a little more impressed, now. I hate mornings! You see Miss Molly doesn't want to run into a ridiculous about of campus traffic, so we go early to beat the hoards of swarming college students. It's early but at least I don't have to worry about people eavesdropping on our fabulous conversations! I don't know if I've actually lost any weight... I probably should have gotten on a scale/ should get on one... but even in weight loss I lack ambition... Nathan and I have sworn off "The Cup" for 2 weeks... ok, so mainly it was me, and Nathan said, "I don't know if I can promise that." But that was pretty much cause we were spending way too much money there rather for any true dietary concerns.

The last few days have really got me to thinking about everything that we went through last year. There are just so many things that people can't understand unless it happens to them.... There are so many thoughts that you never want to face, so many conversations that no one should ever have to have, and so much miserable stuff that you just slog through... And then you find yourself looking back one day and saying.... 60 days? He was in the hospital for 60 days? And you become super aware of the leaves changing color, because he wasn't here to see them at this time last year. And really excited about Halloween costumes, cause you weren't really interested in them last year, and you tear up the first time he takes out the trash for you...  And you are just so incredibly grateful for every single moment, because while you may not have lived the worst that could happen, you have had to face it.... and boring is such bliss. Now, feel free to go kiss your babies (fun-sized, adult-sized, or pet sized) after my incredibly moving soliloquy. Heck, go kiss a stranger... but only on the cheek like an overzealous 80-year old Irish man in a pub rooting for a sports team... and ask them first... cause I imagine those dudes give wet cheek kisses.


  1. I bet you Nathan is going to crank out that thesis like nobody's business.

    Walking is good for your body whether you lose weight or not.

    Part of me is very curious about Cross Fit, but the other part of me keeps saying, "Uh, I don't know if you noticed, but your fitness kick is over and you've regained 10 pounds. You really think swinging a cowbell is in your future?" On the other hand, I promised my mom I would run a Turkey Trot 5k with her this Thanksgiving, so I should probably start, uh, moving off the couch once in a while again!

  2. You almost make me want to walk with you guys in the morning. Almost.

  3. I don't know if Sadie will ever read this, is the thing about CrossFit. There are so many different types of people there, and seriously, the community is so welcoming and nonjudgmental at all. It is the hardest thing ever, but the most rewarding thing ever. You've gotta start somewhere. There are people there that weigh 300 pounds. And there are former NFL players. And everyone in between.

    Common misconception is that we are all ripped BAMFs. Some are. But not all. Ha!

  4. Ah, the leaves turning. It's nice to have a yard. I really think I'm going to rake them up into a big pile this year and play in them. Hopefully between the back and front yards I can get a pile as big as myself.

    BTW, on your newfound video game addiction, did you ever beat Super Mario Brothers? I've finally started playing it in earnest, and you know what? It is actually fun. Introverted Jonny (or should I be rhymes with Yahni?) like the single player mode, though after mastering that multi-player is a lot less heinous.

    I'm still not sure sticking the ice world in the #3 spot was the best idea. I think they just REALLY wanted to get to the penguin suits. They LOVE that penguin suit. It does EVERYTHING. Water? Check. Ice? Check. Offensive pwoer? Check. Considering how much they nerfed the flying power, you'd think they would have stopped themselves.

  5. You could try making your own gourmet cupcakes... here's one recipe for starters... it just might be the first thing i do as soon as my sugar fast is over.


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