Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day, bossy legs, and one dang cute ponytail

Happy Father's Day!

Well, yes, I realize to that the rest of the world it's actually the day after Father's Day, but I don't count that ship as having sailed until I go to bed for the night. So, as I'm still in my pjs and still at the computer it's still Father's Day in my own little corner of the world. And I would like to take this moment to tell my two fathers (despite the fact that I'm pretty sure only one of them reads my blog) that I love them both very much.  Both of them are the strong silent type so it's not like we talk about it very often, but I think the world of them, despite the fact that I don't call... I'm just not big on phone calls... I'm like an 80 year old man that way. Still it in no way reduces my love for them, which is very great.

Ya'll really care about my hair, right? I thought so, that's why I'm going to tell you about it. Today I wore my hair in three low buns. All day long. Then this evening I got home, and took them out and put my hair up to work on computer stuff... and low and behold. The cutest ponytail known to man was born atop my head. And there I am at home at midnight with nary a place to go to show off my most majestic of hair-dos. And the really sad part? I can't take a good picture of it because it's on the back of my head.
 So basically I took a million pictures that ended up looking something akin to this... And trust me this does not do the cuteness justice.

And then I took this one, in which you cannot see the ponytail really at all, but my Aunt Dawn tells me I look beautiful... I think I look sleepy, but I prefer beautiful, so we are gonna go with that one.

Also my momma is in town with a family friend for the next few days, so I'm gonna be a busy bee this week... well, I've kinda been a busy bee lately in general, but it's not slowing down this week, apparently. Leastaways not till Thursday.

So... 7 ish hours of house painting... I thought my arms would be sore, but oh heaven's no, it's my legs... Dang is it my legs... You see all 5'3 and 3/4 of me had to hop up and down on a stool a lot to paint things higher than my head... and my legs are not used to stool hopping. They are vehemently protesting me today, but it was worth it. You can't tell me what to do, legs! You aren't the boss of me!

Ouch! Ok, ok, you can tell me what to do a little bit... Guess there isn't a stair-climbing marathon in my near future. There is no justice in the world.


  1. Three low buns, eh? Do I detect a fellow Cup of Jo follower? If not, you should be. I freakin' love that tomboyish yet girly blog.

    "Bossy Legs" sounds like it migght be your new nickname, Bossylegs.

  2. Oh, would love pinterest. It's totally your kind of thing. I think she found it there.

  3. It's true it came from pinterest... which I would be happy to send you an invitation to, if'n you so desired!

    Also do you girls get a notification when someone comments after you or do you just have to check back? How does that work?

    Bossylegs, signing off.

  4. Have to check back. I've been trying to figure out how to get Blogger to notify me of comments, but no luck.
    Please, oh please, do invite me to Pinterest! I almost asked you already. Do you know my gmail address?
    I think you both might like Cup of Jo.


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