Friday, June 10, 2011

Important discoveries...

I have made two very important discoveries today.

1) Bronies. Bronies make you tube videos like this :
Which let me tell you is awesome. Epic and awesome.

Also, in that article about the bronies I saw the picture of the My Little Pony re-vamp lady, and she had on a necklace that for 3.6 second I thought was the AURYN (I wasn't yelling, I looked it up. It's supposed to be spelled in all caps.I don't like doing it though, so from now on I'm just capitalizing it.) It wasn't the Auryn, but then I thought... Why don't I have an Auryn necklace?!?!?

Which brings me to my second discovery of the day:


It's 100 dollars... Why must all the amazing things in this world be ridiculously expensive and in Germany?

I know- if I had a nickle for every time I heard that phrase, am I right?

There are similar things out there... but if I get an Auryn I want it to be of quality(ish) materials (aka, metal- not resin or clay) and preferably not painted. There are far less expensive ones, but they have the chain loop in the wrong place and are only one color. Tis the way of the world, it seems. But if you know a metal worker, you should somehow convince them that he/she should make me an Auryn, for free, for giving them such a scathingly brilliant idea... Take 'em to a ren-fair and I bet you would sell out super quickly!

I could be the child-like empress. I have got the voice down, and I love her head gear, plus I look kinda young... I could throw my hair into pigtails to prove it, but that isn't very empress-y.

Oh fantasy, I embrace you with my whole heart.


  1. If I remember correctly, either Missy or Mandy Correnti have Auryn hanging from their review mirror in their car.

    They made it for a class, maybe?? Perhaps you can inquire more about this from them....

    You should make the child-like empress head piece, too!

  2. you know what the shamwo guy know the germans make good things


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