Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pain of all sorts


Please tell me I'm not the only one who sometimes gets her swallowing rhythm off and somehow manages to attempt to swallow some part of her throat that is unswallowable and it hurts really really super bad. Oh, I am? Oh, great.  Next thing I know, you'll be telling me I'm the only one who sometimes gets a really sharp pain in her jaw if she's been smiling too much while eating sugar, or who steps down the wrong way sometimes and sends searing pain across the top of her foot that lasts for approximately 3 seconds before fading to a sore pain-memory.

Those things happen to everyone. I just know it.

Foster did, in fact, pass away last night. We weren't super close in high school, but we were in drama together and being in a show or two together tends to give you a bond. He was far more outgoing and popular than shy reserved little ole me. I remember Foster as being over the top and sarcastic and absolutely hilarious. He was friendly, gregarious, had a kind heart, and an amazing talent for pointing out the ridiculous in any situation, until you just couldn't stop laughing. He wasn't popular because he was good at a particular sport or event. He was popular because you just couldn't help but like him. His personality was addictive. This whole young death thing has got to stop. I don't want to have to try and deal with it anymore. I don't want to fail at dealing with it anymore... I don't have anything else to buy.

Yes, I did up and buy a Macbook Pro, today. Best Buy was having a very small sale, and I'd already determined I wanted one, and this way I will have a laptop when I go home, and honestly, buying something makes me feel better. Yeah, I know that's totally shallow and materialistic, but it's true. I'm loving it thus far.

I have a lot of things to get done tomorrow, so I should most likely go to bed... You know, so that tomorrow I can work at the church, and work on the video game, and do laundry, and pack, and clean the house so I don't come home to gross dirty dishes, and go play games with my friends, and sleep.

Yeah, I'm not convinced the sleeping will actually happen, either.

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