Friday, July 29, 2011

Short post

Consider me insanely happy that I don't have to get up in the morning for anything.

I read another book last night... this one was 578 pages and I was up till 5:30.  that's 5:30 AM.

I know.

That's not enough sleep plus a rather frustrating day at work.

Then the video game arose from the depths with lots of little last minute things I need to do on it... at the same time that friends wanted to go out to eat with me, and I needed to bake a cake and make stuff for a baby shower.

Though honestly all that stuff was nice/fun enough that it helped cancel some of the work frustration.

Office work can be so irritating sometimes, because you just do the same thing over and over again... the thing I like about the videogame is that there is a deadline and lots of little projects to cross off of lists and nothing is ever quite the same.

Plus - this might not make sense to some, but I've discovered that if I'm busy it's a heck of a lot easier to focus... it's also easier to focus if you take a 20 min nap... though hard to actually get up from said nap. Trust me, I know these things.

Everything got done that needed to, well everything except perhaps a blog post of reasonable length.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, there's a beauty to short and sweet. Look at Ari: she's short and sweet.


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