Monday, July 2, 2012

Get the heck out of Dodge.

The problem with writing a blog post that everyone loves, is that the next day I have to replace it, only now everyone's expectations are really high... and honestly it takes *forever* to draw all those stick figures. I know that they are super crappy, because- well, that's kinda the point. But even super crappy pictures actually take some time if you want them to be relatively consistent and to tell what's happening in the picture. The "create a filled polygon" tool was my friend last night. It would be different if I had one of those sketch pad tools, but man, buying one of those and setting it all up for the random picture blog is not worth it!  Sorry kiddos.

That said, I'm glad you all liked my blog... When I was writing/drawing it last night I got to a point where I wasn't exactly sure if it was hilarious or just stupid, so if you even got the tiniest smile from it I feel like I accomplished something.

As an amusing side point I missed church this morning because I completely forgot to set my alarm... And, not being married, there was no one to wake up at 10 and be like, "Crap! We gotta get going cause we overslept!" Kinda bummed, too, because I wanted to go to church... So, fine, I need a person, sometimes. But *not* because there is a scary green monster in my trash.

Seriously, I know that Oscar made green monsters in trashcans this "safe" kid friendly thing, but that is freaking terrifying. I'm convinced that we should be teaching kids to run the heck away if big green talking monster comes out of your trashcan. They certainly shouldn't want to sit down and have a chat about how grumpy he is. If Cookie Monster has to admit that cookies are a "sometime food" why does Oscar get a free pass on the creepy furry dumpster diving?? I mean what even is he? Is he really a monster or is he like mold that has evolved googly eyes and a mouth... and eyebrows. And why is everyone ok with him just creeping on this lovely Street of Sesame?

Just look at him.... even when he's happy he's like creepy happy. Come here little children! Let me pull you into my trashcan where you can become like me!

Also apparently in Season 1 of Sesame Street he was orange and then he randomly changed colors and everyone was fine with this.

No, wait I'm sorry, it wasn't random. I've researched it and according to Oscar, "Most of the family was orange. But I had a lovely vacation in Swamp Mushy Muddy resort. It was so dark & dreary I kind of turned green. It's mostly moss. I like it — it goes with my eyes. I accidentally took a bath once, turned orange again & washed all the moss off, so I went right back to Swamp Mushy Muddy, and here I am."

He IS evolved mold. I'm convinced.

Even if he isn't evolved mold, he is a creepy trashcan grumpy pants who dwells in the street, is covered in moss and slime so much that he has turned a different color, and never bathes. And we are telling children that this is cool?

I call shenanigans.

Run, children. Run as far and as fast as you can- yelling all the while.

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