Thursday, July 26, 2012

8 of 30

Did you think I'd forgotten the list?

I haven't

8. What are 5 passions you have?

I don't know for sure how to answer this one though....

Can I just say "people," 5 times?

Yeah, I know, it's cheating- But people really are what I'm most passionate about.

So I'm just going to throw that one out all together cause you know it, and I know it, and good grief I could talk about it forever and ever and ever. So besides people...

1. Laughter. I know it sounds dumb but I'm really passionate about laughter. Laughing makes people feel comfortable. It builds friendships, it reduces stress, it relieves tensions, it helps heal your heart in the very worst of situations. I really think that laughter is good for your soul and I look for ways to trigger it, and I look for people who trigger it in me. And then I just revel in it.

2. Art. I went back and forth for a while on whether I should just call this "color" but I think that the use of color is just as important as the actual colors themselves... and there is so much more to art than color... line and movement and form and shade, and I love and appreciate it all and want to be constantly surrounded by it. I place artistic talent very high on my list of "most impressive skills."

3. Books, reading, and a well-told story. Says the girl who wants to be a novelist... But I don't even realize this one until I start to read something poorly written and everything in me just cringes up in disbelief

4. Costumes... I can't help it! They are just so much fun! Seriously- half of the time when I'm getting dressed for the day I'm thinking of it in terms of a costume

5. Sharing my story - and hope... (If I'm lucky- these two things overlap) I believe so strongly that God has a plan. And I somehow in the midst of everything I've found this wellspring of joy and hope. And ach do I want to share that with people.

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