Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How it Falls

A post to commemorate Valentine's Day:

Turns out, I don't really mind Valentine's Day. I mean I hated it when I was a highschooler. Nothing worse than everyone getting balloons and flowers and ridiculous amounts of *stuff* at school and you not getting anything. In high-school I was very much aware of how single I was.

But that lessened considerably in college... Kara and I had some pretty fantastic times on Valentine's Day, whether we were single or she was dating someone. (By the time I was dating someone, homegirl was married!) And then Nathan and I started dating and I had five V-Days where I got to celebrate in a "normal" way... (though I've always thought roses were a big waste of money.... give me cheap but pretty flowers and your time/energy any day over needlessly expensive foliage!) and then in 2011 it was my first day back to work after Nathan's death. That was shocking for me to discover, by the way, but I blogged about it so I know it's true. I totally did not remember that.

And last year I had a good time.

And what I said then, I still feel. I saw someone post on facebook about how much this particular person (who is happily married, btw) hates Valentine's day... and I mean, you'd think that of anyone I'd have a reason to not harbor any kindness towards the day....

And yet.... I do have a fondness for it. Maybe it goes back to elementary school when we made the boxes and everyone in the class got a valentine. (Kara is a genius, by the way, and next year I will be having an elementary school themed Valentine's party... I just didn't have enough time to pull it off this year.) Maybe it's just that I like love, even if I don't have "my" person... I still don't mind having a holiday that celebrates love.

Kara sent me a song that I've been listening to over and over today. I love it. A lot. She said it reminded her of me, even though it isn't a perfect match and that "the writer of the song doesn't know it, but he is in love with you." Unfortunately I think it was written by a woman (the one singing), but that doesn't matter. I still love this song.  It's haunting in that way that all of my most favorite songs are.

And maybe that's why I like Valentine's Day?

Cause I'm very loved.

And known so well.

Despite not having a box of stained glass tears.

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