Sunday, June 24, 2012

Going on a ramble

Tonight for one of the first times, I had a fake conversation with someone in my head...

I can't help but wonder if it will ever play out.

If it doesn't I think I will write it into a book... This is one of the perks of being a writer. If I have a good enough fake conversation I can just make it into a "real" conversation in print someday.

You know all those times you get a great idea for a comeback way way too late? Writers can always get their revenge by reenacting the scene in print and actually giving the great line.

It's rather brilliant, I'd say. I'm using the British version of "brilliant" there.. I really wanted to shorten it to  "brill" because I feel like that's some British slang (no clue if it actually is) but then I figured no one but me would understand... and perhaps some passing British chap, whose taken a slip road on the internet and found himself on my blog.

I'm gonna be really disappointed someday if I find out they don't really call exit ramps slip roads in Britain. They've never used one on Dr. Who, so I just don't know. Everything I need to know about England I learned on Dr. Who.

The first and foremost is that England has a rather sizable alien problem. (spaceships not foreign countries.)

I wish there was a way to stretch out your neck without using weird gold bands or surgery.

That's a roundabout way of saying that I wish my neck was longer.

Which is a roundabout way of saying that I don't wear my hair in a pony tail that often anymore and so I'm not used to how my neck looks.

Btw, I've been feeling like I look like I've lost several more pounds lately, but the numbers on the scale haven't changed at all. What is up with that? Am I gaining some stair climbing muscles? I can but hope. I certainly kept Mom and Dawn a-hopping in the mall and the amusement park, trying to keep up with me... apparently I walk fast for a short person.

You know what? I get really excited if I see someone I know when I'm out. It makes Springfield feel, just for a moment, like a small town.

From now on everyone should shop exclusively at Target. It's already where I see the most people I know, so it only makes sense.


  1. It's a shame, because there was a Dr. Who episode that would have had perfect justification in using the term "slip road," more than once in fact. Dr. Who stumbled upon a planet where everyone lived in cars, going around and around waiting for a chance to exit at some point or another that supposedly would take them to a better life.

    It's one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes because there are kittens in it.

    1. Yeah! I've seen that'un! I remember the kittens! And the face of Bo!


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