Thursday, June 21, 2012

There is an Easter Egg in this post.

It may be a bit odd, but I really enjoy reading about "myself" based on things I have no control over (Like my birthdate, my birth order, or my sign.)

I like seeing how in some ways these things are straight on accurate, and two sentences later they are describing someone the very opposite of me... I just find it all rather humorous.

For instance I was born smack dab in the middle of the Leo sign, so there is no questioning my Leo-ness... So let's read this description of a Leo together shall we? I'm going to put my comments in a different color so that it's obvious what I wrote. (The Leo description was taken from the Huffington Post. Follow this hyperlink!)

The Lion is considered the king of the jungle, and likewise you Leos have an air of royalty about you. Let me tell you, I would love it if I had an "air of royalty around me." I'd be all like, "Give me all your taxes! Let them eat cake! Off with their heads!" Some Leos even have hair resembling the thick mane of the Lion. Check! ...but so do 1/3 of all the people who aren't Leos.... sooo.... But Lions are more than roar, for they are truly magnificent beasts. The Lioness proudly cares for the young, hunts and takes care of survival with relentless intent and ferocity, when needed.  Caretaker, much? That's me. Protecting survival since 1983. And proud are you Leo! Perhaps that's why Leo often chooses work that puts you in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation. I worked for 4 years almost completely alone... that is *not* center stage... of course I was also a theatre major, so fine. Fair play to the queen.

Leo are warm of spirit I try, eager for action not normally and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others. Ahahaaha! Ding ding ding! Leo are a magnanimous leader I try to avoid leading, but I like being magnamimous! and a faithful servant. uhhhhh Haven't been a servant before, but I'm a good caretaker! Once scorned in love, however, Leo will withdraw your affections and the light, once brilliant, can go cold. I go back and forth on this one... I think I do this... I'm normally the last person to give up on a friendship, and I wait for a long long time... but if I'm rejected for long enough that I do finally give up and then an attempt is made to rekindle the friendship I'm normally not interested... but for all I know that's a trait of a Pieces!

Leo motto might be "What you see is what you get." Yes. You tend to live your live straightforwardly Yes. and with a flair for drama. Kinda yes. In fact, many Leos are attracted to the theater, the performing arts and public relations, for you truly understand the importance of putting on a good presentation. Yeeeeeeeees. As you blaze gloriously through your life, remember to take time to acknowledge the feelings of those around you. If you forget, you could unconsciously hurt someone you love. Oh noooooo! :( But, if you remain aware your impact, others can benefit from your presence. Ok, see this is what I mean... I'll take the Most Generic Advice in the World for 1,000, Alex. Who doesn't this sentence apply to?

Element: Fire
Fire signs are naturally warm. *starts singing* "Hot Blooded! Check it and seeee. I got a fever- of a hundred and threeee!" A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn't get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room and it won't burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. DDDUUUUUDE That's like crazy deep! I never thought about it like that before. Whoa. Fire doesn't plan it next move; it isn't logical. It simply is in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. So you're saying I'm a Honey Badger? Honey Badger don't care! (Never actually seen the meme, but people laugh when I quote it still, so I keep doing it.) For this reason fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts. I think this means we are suppose to be really bad at planning, but I read somewhere else that the key to getting on a Leo's good side is admiration, so they found a way to say, "Yo, you suck at thinking ahead" in an admirable way.

The fire of Leo is brilliant and intense. It's like the summer Sun that relentlessly shows up every day and whose heat continues to build over a period of time. Yeah it is! Seriously though- what does this even mean? I feel like a hummingbird who has never met a another particular hummingbird.

Fifth House: Children
The Fifth House is directly related to children, but it is also associated with any type of childlike activity. Even grown-ups need to play and this is a function of the Fifth House. In fact, all self-expression and creativity comes from this sector. Additionally, this is the House of Romantic Love. Truly, the Fifth House could be called the House of Enjoyment. What the hey? First they told me that I'm child-like... then they tell me I'm an artist. THEN they tell me I'm a romantic... I think Disney bought out the fifth house. Disney probably could too. I bet they have enough money to buy out the universe just to get their own "house of mouse."

Key Planet: Sun Ok, who failed 3rd grade science? The Sun is not a planet! It's a mass of incandescent gas.
The Sun is the undisputed King of our little planetary system. He is always in the center. True-- therefore making "him" NOT A PLANET. Without his light, there would be no life here on earth. Although the Sun is 93 million miles distant, its warmth is the basis for all energy on Earth. Astrologically, the Sun represents our will. It's like the fuel that fires each of our individual furnaces and gives us cause to live. As the key planet of Leo, the Sun is the symbol of the self and from it stems all individuality and creativity. Whaaaa?? How did any of that tie together? Am I super distant? Do I give people cause to live? Am I the source of all individuality and creativity, because I'd really like to put a kabosh on the whole neon resurgence in fashion.... ugh.

Your Biggest Strength: Your playful and loving nature uhhhh sure?

Your Potential Weakness: Need for approval can become too important Ahahaha way to go out with a totally right one!

And yet no where in there do I hear the Leo's loyalty mentioned or the Leo's love for admiration... which are apparently big deals. I mean I've been hearing about the loyal Leos for years now.

Oh the things that people will make up!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a Leo, and so is Ty M (we have the same birthday). Clearly, Mr. Zodiac had all three of us pegged.


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