Monday, June 4, 2012

Forever and Always

Sometimes you are just sitting around doing a griddler and then you actually listen to the lyrics of a song.

And then *Whammo!* You are crying. And by "you" I mean, "me."

Why are there are so many flippin' songs about the person you love dying?

They sneak up upon me all unawares.... That's actually my version of a line that sticks with me from "The Glass Menagerie" (A play I think is beautiful, but I thoroughly hate.) Tennessee Williams' line was actually "...I was pursued by something that always came upon me unawares taking me all together by surprise." But in my mind it's "sneak up upon me all unawares" and that's how I shall use it.

Anyway, there are a lot of those songs... either that or Pandora has somehow figured out that I both love and hate those sad songs... or that type of song is always written with "mellow rock instrumentation, folk influences, mild rhythmic syncopation, acoustic sonority and major key tonality." (That's what Pandora tells me I like.) Or I'm just way more sensitive/aware of the songs than I ever was before. Or all of the above. I'm not sure what the reason, but the thing is, if I just have music playing in the background and I don't pay attention to it, I learn a song without ever really listening to it... especially if the chorus has lyrics that sound happy.

The most recent thestral song is by Parachute. It's called "Forever and Always."

It's so upbeat sounding.  And the chorus is "I want you forever, forever and always,
through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always"

Soooo tricksy. I mean that's sweet but it doesn't make me cry... and the beat is relatively uptempo... No clues how very sad this song is...

UNTIL I listen to the verses-- and oy vey.... especially the last few lines.

"She finishes the vows but the beeps are getting too slow
His voice is almost too low
As he says, I love you forever, forever and always
Please just remember even if I'm not there
I'll always love you, forever and always."

I don't know if I should be frustrated that I'm so easily manipulated, happy that songs like this make me feel a little less alone, frustrated that I'm always going to have this huge *thing* in my past that makes me feel so broken sometimes, or happy that I was loved... that I'm still loved, "forever and always."

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