Monday, June 18, 2012

The Kindest People in the Whole of Humanity

Here's the thing.

I think the people who read my blog are probably the kindest people in the whole of humanity.

And it's pretty safe to say this, because you are reading this blog, so I think you are one of the kindest people in the whole of humanity. (It's kinda a win-win thing for me to say, because it's both true and virtually impossible to disprove.)

Anyway I say this because of how you respond to me.

Whenever I write a blog post about being sad or lonely or upset, I always get this outpouring of compassion, encouragement, prayer, and love via comments on the post or facebook.

Nothing is forcing you to write me a note, and yet so many of you do-- and often times you are thanking me for being honest or open.... or telling me to hang in there... or that you think I'm beautiful

Really, it's me who should be thanking you. You make it safe for me to say exactly what I'm feeling, because you don't judge me.

You don't judge me for being happy, or shallow, or pensive, or upset.

You don't judge me for being inconsistent or contradictory.

Those of you who see me in person on a semi-regular basis don't assume that just because I blogged with one emotion that I'm still feeling that way when you see me, but you do check in- just to make sure that I'm doing ok.

I know I haven't gone at this grief process in a "typical" way... But I've never felt like someone thought I was too happy or was judging me for "getting over it" too quickly. And in the same vein, I never feel judged for those moments (like yesterday) when it still hurts as much as it did at 8:31AM that day almost a year and 5 months ago.

You all just accept me as I am and you don't judge me for my weaknesses. You love me for them.

You genuinely love this girl who I sometimes think is being whiney and indulgent and selfish.

It's all just really reassuring to a non-emotional girl wading through this emotional tempest.

Thank you for helping me create this safe space, thank you for loving me through the hard spots, and thank you for your prayers.

My life could be so much harder than it is, but every single one of you help lighten the load, and I'm eternally grateful.

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