Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall- when a young girl's mind turns to thoughts of pie.

Tonight I decided to make a pie. I blame this on my new candle.. It smells of  "Fireside Evening," otherwise known as "fall in wax form." So pie it is-- a pumpkin one, to be precise... and because I really don't like burnt crusts I put foil around the edges...ok, so maybe it looked more like a foil smokestack as I was trying to still be able to pour the filling into the shell without getting it all over the foil.... However either due to said foil, or the fact that it was a "deep dish" pie, it took 2 times as long to bake as it should have. I finally removed the foil and that's when it started baking better... I put the pie in at around 9:30 and just removed it at 11:30.... I'm probably gonna have to deal with some burnt crust after all. Bummer.

Not a bummer: Nathan no longer has tubes coming out of his chest! I was trying really hard to *not* get excited this go round cause last time was so hard. But they got it out... and honestly it was a really good thing that they waited because they had to do a *lot* more than they expected to have to do, and if he hadn't already had platelets it would have been really really bad. They ended up having to slice into his chest around his collarbone to get everything out. It took a long time, and I was a nervous wreck** by the time that he actually came out... But he came out with a super glued wound (It still amazes me that someone thought, "Hey let's put some superglue on this gaping wound!" and then it worked.) and a hole where the tubes came out. No, really, I saw it tonight as I put on a bandage and it still is a hole... Freaky looking... I'm so not cut out for the medical profession. Apparently the nurse told him as they were slicing him open to remember that "Chicks dig scars." He said that since he'd already found his chick he wasn't worried about it one way or the other. Awww.

**Yes, I do get gut feelings that are accurate about 90-95% of the time. Apparently someone in my family had "the sight." And while my Dad is not a believer in the paranormal he does tell stories about uncanny things this grandparent knew. Coincidence?!?! I think . . .  probably. I'm not actually much of a believer in the paranormal either, except to say that God is God, which means that He can and has the power to do any blamed thing He wants.

It's getting back to normal around here... last week was one of the worst weeks of my life. No comparison to *the* worst week but in the running for the number two slot. Several stressful situations at work, including a flood, interspersed with a some really bad news on Friday night, and then on Sunday I woke up dizzy. I didn't feel like the room was spinning, just like I couldn't catch my balance... walking was really interesting, (like I don't run into wall enough, normally!) and I couldn't even stay standing for all of the worship time in church. I ate some salty foods and drank a lot of water (and took a vitamin) but mainly I read that afternoon cause even sitting up was making me dizzy (I normally read laying down on my stomach with a pillow underneath my chest. What can I say, I'm quirky!) Around 4:30 I fell asleep and napped til around 6 and when I woke up the dizziness was mainly gone, and it hasn't reared it's face again, thank goodness.

Yesterday was exhausting.. I didn't fall asleep until midnight-thirty (that's early for me!) and we got up at 5, and drove to St. Louis... well Nathan drove, I mainly slept. And then it was one appt after another. When he came out from his catheter removal we went to "lunch" (it was 2:15) at Applebee's next to the hospital and finally headed out around 3. Then he drove till we got out of crazy traffic and construction and I drove the rest of the way (about 1/2).  We got home, checked internet things, got some food, and watched a little bit of TV, but I went to bed by 11:15 (super early!) then I slept until 8:30, and still managed to take a 3.5 hour nap today. I'm a sleeping machine! I wish sleeping was an Olympic sport because I think I could be a contenda'.

I need to start wii-fitting again, but I'm afraid of the animated Wii board judging me....You don't see the way it looks at me! Judgment in every curve! Perhaps I'll just have pie for breakfast, instead. That is sure to help me lose weight.... sides the pie is not cool enough yet to have some for a midnight-fifty snack.

P.S. Have I mentioned the Target hat commercial on here? I'm so mad I could spit.  Here's a youtube of it someone one taped off of TV.

I totally *can't* wear hats and now Target is mocking me and saying I can't walk in an orchard or have perfect kids or a super cute plaid coat. Thanks a lot, Target. Kara tells me that Rachel Zoe has this problem as well. At least I'm in fashionable company. I think I'll go stroll through a corn maze now. Take that, Target!


  1. I have never heard these stories from Dad that you speak of. I must learn!

  2. I don't like burnt crusts either. I used to try to attach foil strips all around the pie crust. I read in a book that before you put the pie in, prepare a foil protector - just a big foil square with a circle cut of it that shows most of the filling (the crust is covered by foil, but the rest of the pie pokes out through the hole). Then bake as usual, and when the crust is goldeny, lay your foil with the hole in it on top and the crust won't burn.

    ANYWAY (now that I've bored all ya'll) I wish sleeping could be an Olympic sport. Sometimes I feel bad that I sleep about an hour more a night than Jon...and sometimes I get a nap, too! But hey, everyone's different - and I need my sleep!


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