Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ima Dork

Am I the only one who, when in the bathroom, will talk to myself in the mirror? I only do this when the door is closed and in a very quiet voice. Usually I give myself ultimatums or rant about something. "Give yourself ultimatums?" you ask. Yeah, it usually goes something like this.
While applying makeup, I lean over the sink, and make a face and say to myself,  "You. You need to stop it, Renée. If you put on another coat of mascara you are gonna look like a Sesame Street Muppet. You don't need felt eyelashes. This has got to stop."

OK, so it's never been about mascara, but I just got a new kind that I haven't broken into, yet, so I've got mascara on the brain. But it was a great for instance, and that is the level of inane-ness that I act out in private.

Ima Dork

I used to love those Family Circus cartoons that had the kids blaming ghost-like gremlins for misdeeds and the characters were named things like "Ida Know" and "Not Me"
Thanks Bil Keane. Yes Bil only has one l at the end of his first name. I looked him up.

The problem with blogging all the time is that you begin to think you've run out of things to say. I guess it's good to sit down anyway, though, cause I always manage to think of something... For example I've always called the above comic "The Family Circle" but when I wikipedia'd it, I discovered that it's name is actually "The Family Circus." However, back in 1960 when it was first released it *was* called "The Family Circle" but had to change it's name within 6 months because "The Family Circle" magazine was throwing a tizzy. Now, why have I been calling it an old name that it has never been in my lifetime? Is it just cause it is often in a circle? But I normally only saw it in the Sunday Paper when it's more in a strip format. Is it cause I'm too lazy to read the whole name, so I never make it to the "us?" Is it because I'm a comic strip psychic?? What a lame super-power. That's right! Criminals beware! It is I, Original Name Girl!

Nathan and I saw this adorable little boy (around age 3?) at a restaurant the other day. He got a (fabric) napkin off his plate and tried to throw it over his head, while still holding onto 2 corners of it. Then he got frustrated and kept throwing it over his head and going, "Unh! Unh!" until his mom looked up and said, "Mason, that's not going to work, honey, that's not a cape."
And then his Grandmother piped up and said, "Sweetie, your cape is in the car."

His cape was in the car.

I want to have children just so a cape can be a normal fashion accessory. Seriously. I know capes aren't very good at actually keeping a person warm, but they look so cool... and you can wear long sleeves under a cape... and they don't have to be made out a spandex lycra blend. It's just such a bummer that the only time I can wear a cape with a minimum of weird looks in during Halloween. We should bring them back into style, you guys. Who's with me?! If Snuggies, Chia Pets, and Pet Rocks can all be fads, why can't capes come back? We just gotta believe...and start wearing capes.


  1. I already have my cape. It's green with question marks all over it. I wore it on a float trip this summer and some lady was like, "I gotta ask. What's with the cape?" and I said, "I'LL be asking the questions here!" and kept paddling. It was awesome.


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