Friday, September 17, 2010

The Theory of Equivalency and other matters

People ask Nathan how he is doing all the time... and some really nice people then turn to me and ask me how I'm doing and I never quite know what to say to them.... Because I pretty much am as Nathan is... I don't know if it's because of cancer, codependency, or the theory of equivalency. Which is a theory I just made up which states: a spouse must remain within a two degree radius of emotion from their spouse, unless one of them is crying. In the event of tears on the behalf of one party, the party of the second party will either leap to the role of comforter or become "emotionless," depending on the amount of blame for the cause of said tears the second party is liable for.      ...Yeah, it's probably the cancer.

I'm sure you will all be happy to know that my pie crust did not burn... I think it must have taken so long to cook because it was a deep dish pie. I think I'm gonna take it to a party I'm going to tomorrow... cause I do not need to eat a whole pie and Nathan isn't much help... I've been feeling rather boring lately... perhaps why I've not been writing much... but I'm going to keep soldiering on and you shall either read it or throw this muck in the garbage... but I'm not gonna know... unless you write a comment saying that you threw my muck in the garbage and then I'd doubt you because after all, you took the time to comment about it!

Do you mind getting weird little glimpses of my wonderful relationship with my husband?  Oh good, cause here's another little slice. This kind of thing happens at least 4 times a day... probably more often than that. I see a sign or words somewhere and I read them... Only I read them (to Nathan) like this. (Let's say I see a package of Post-it Notes.) Renée: You're a Post-it Note.  And then Nathan responds, "I'll Post-it your note." Seriously, at least 4 times a day... and random things... "You're a Veterinary Emergency" or "I'll extra strength your Tylenol"  We only do this while alone, though because it can easily sound like a double entendre.. in fact sometimes it goes like this, Me: "You're a blank blank." Him: "I'll blank your.... uhhh, nevermind."

I firmly believe that we were made for each other, and that the best relationships come from being friends with someone first.... but I also admit a large amount of bias.

So someone called the church asking for money to go back to Wyoming and sited his wife having lung cancer and almost being out of her "chemo medication" as part of the reason why they need the money. Now I know that lung cancer and leukemia are very different cancers, but I don't think that chemo is a medication that the doctors would just prescribe to you and then let you gallivant off to Missouri with. In my experience chemo is administered under medical supervision, so basically it sounded a lot like this guy was just trying to fleece the church and using cancer as a sucker punch card. It made me rather angry. This in conjunction with a story that Nathan told me the other day makes me glad that I do not immediately process and respond with my emotions in a given situation... because I think if I did I would say a lot of things that would not be very kind and definitely not Godly. Instead I just ask God to smite them, and know that He will transmute that request with His superior knowledge and grace.

But that doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate a good smiting.

Smite, smite, smite. It's a great word.


  1. We get fake medical emergencies all the time at our church-- over the phone and, for a more lively experience, in person.

  2. Double entendre it up, my friend. That is hilarious.


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