Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Blame the Creeper Clown

This week I painted with oils for the first time since High school... The only thing I remembered about oils in HS was that they were ridiculously difficult to clean up after and they took a long time to dry. So I made a painting (Techinically this was a painting I promised for my aunt last Christmas and never got the chance to do) and I like it, but I realized something... I like to paint fast. I don't like to spend hours and hours getting things right, and while I appreciate the transparency that oil can bring, the long dry time and extra mess factor just aren't worth it. But that's ok... maybe I'll have a oil, "blue period" someday and be really glad I have those paints around.

Nathan and I have decided on costumes and ordered a pattern for his. I can't tell you what the costumes are because I have enough of a theatre background that I think your character should remain a secret, but I'm quite excited... It's gonna be ambitious and there is a chance of failure, so I gotta get cracking on them now so just in case I can't pull it off, I will have time to re-imagine. And when I say "now" I mean after this weekend. Sorry to fill you with curiosity, but I had to say something!

Nathan's parents are coming up tomorrow to visit. It's a short trip because they need recouping time before heading into the work trenches on Mon, so they are gonna head out Sat. evening. But I think it will be fun. We are gonna do a corn maze! I have loved Corn mazes since I came to college and Nathan is the same...  It's odd that I left a place so rural only to discover corn mazes in the "big city." But I suppose it makes sense. Corn mazes aren't very practical... They tear up your field and you don't get your whole crop... But if you can get a bunch of people to come out, then it makes a lot more sense... I don't know that you could draw a big enough crowd to make up for the losses back home.

I've been kinda blubbery today. Nathan told me about a friend of a professor who has been praying for us since last year and I teared up. I saw a website today with a bunch of weekly pictures of a pregnant lady and notes to the baby from the father, and I shed a few tears, and then I watched Project Runway and the contestants' moms came to visit (and son, in one case) and I seriously went through 4 or 5 Kleenex. I mean yes the contestants were crying, but I don't know their moms! There is something about seeing other people cry that just gets me choked up... that and sympathy. I can be super strong and not shed a tear on my own but if someone looks at me with that face,
You know, This face... only without the hobo clown make-up that creeps it up.... or that other creeper clown who is staring at me as I type this caption...
 or says something to demonstrate that they understand... it's my undoing. Or talking to my family... If something happens and I have to talk to my mom or my sister about it I'm pretty much a basketcase for at least an hour or so afterward. Seriously. There were a couple of times last year when I made Nathan call my mom cause I just couldn't handle breaking down. Have I mentioned how my husband pretty much deserves sainthood? ...Except I sincerely hope to never see his image in toast, tea leaves, bread or any other edible.

 Seriously. You are Catholic and starving cause you missed lunch, and you use up the last of your bread and cheese to make a sandwich, and just as you sit down to a steaming grilled cheese you see the image of the Virgin Mary looking up from the golden brown center of your delectable toasty, melty, scrumdidliumptious sammich. What do you DO?!?

That's a problem I never want to face.

I went back and looked at that clown picture again.. and I can't get over creeper clown. He looks like someone you'd see looking in your window in a Halloween Horror film. And then the other two clowns that are in the background of the top of the picture... the one on the right looks like he is laughing about his evil plot to take over the world and the other one looks like he's hungry.. but that might be because it also looks like he has a window in his stomach and that can't be good for digestion. I think it's the white face paint... white face paint only looks good on Geishas... and even then it's still mildly creepy.

Ach, the things that Thursday nights bring you to ponder are things like no other night brings.

1 comment:

  1. god I miss you!:) that endless post traveling from one subject to the next reminded me of all the sleepovers we used to have and how easy it was to talk for hours.... to be fifteen again


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