Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why do I climb the mountain? Because I'm in love.

Today Nathan had to get a dressing change, so we went to the South side of town. While there we went to the mall as well, cause I had 15 dollars in JC penny gift cards burning a hole in my pocket and when I say 15 dollars what I actually mean is 3 cards with 15 dollars each on them, because my (paternal) Grandma buys them in bulk for her very large family and sends them out for birthdays and anniversaries... only my mom hardly ever shops at JC Penny so I got their anniversary gift card for my birthday (Thanks, Mom!) and then I got one from grandma for my birthday (a week? late) and then I got *another* one for my birthday last week. Apparently Grandma just remembered the being late part and not that she actually mailed me something already, so I got a double portion of Birthday.... and I didn't tell her. This might make me a bad person, but I didn't want to say, "uhhhh Grandma, you already gave me one of these..." that just seems rude... and I *like* JC Penny!

What do you think? Should I go out and slash some car tires cause I'm already an evil person, or do you think it's forgivable? Well, forgivable or not, I'm now the proud owner of 4 new tank camisoles (with lace!!) and a zip up sweater jacket hoodie. That's 5 articles of clothing for 10 dollars a piece plus tax. (Literally- pre tax it was 49.99.) Not as good as 4 for $30, but everything I bought was slightly more than 50% off so I think it's a great deal. Plus I can never find lace-edged tank tops that work for my body type, so this makes me super jazzed. Ya wanna know the problem? While it is September, it is not cold enough out there for my sweater jacket... meaning it's going to have to languish in my closet until that fall chill is in the air... Only I want to wear it now.. Do you think that I can convince Nathan to turn down the air conditioner just so I can wear my new clothes?? I love new clothes! It's finally raining, but it's been so long since I bought my rain boots that I keep forgetting about them. I don't want my sweater to be the new rain boot! (Plus imagine how soggy that would be. ewww.)

I bought a purple tank top... This makes me nervous because people who like the color purple are *very* devoted to it... and if you wear it they think you are a devotee as well. So they come up to you and gush about how much they love that color and isn't it the greatest color and about all the purple clothes they have ever owned and how it's their favorite color in the world and the whole time you are thinking... "I just own it cause I think it looks good on me... I don't even like purple that much." I almost didn't try it on, because I'm so paranoid about these people... but then I did, cause I tried on every color and darn it if it didn't look good on me... so I got it. But if you come up to me and tell me you like my purple tank top don't be surprised if I eye you suspiciously and then sidle away from you.

Also, Katie led me to this gem today.

The funny thing about it is that the source material is just as crazy as the song-- all they had to do was set it to music. Shatner wasn't actually edited or "re-mixed" all that much. How has this man had a career for this long!?! Don't get me wrong I love Captain Kirk.... but Shatner is looney tunes! Alright... I don't think anything can follow that, honestly. So I'll see you tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat channel.


  1. Ohhh, fall clothes! This weekend I bought three jackets. All of them are denim. Two are blue and one is red. Every morning I touch them. I don't know what I will do when it gets cold enough to wear them. How will I decide which one?!

    You are definitely doing the right thing by not telling your Grandma she did something twice. It will only make her stress about her memory, and you are not harming her by keeping the card.

    Challenge the rock!

  2. I have one purple shirt that I wear about once a week. I have never had a purple gusher. But I know you swear they exist, so I believe you. Is Kara one of them? Maybe that's why you're afraid of the purple. Don't fear the purple! :)


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