Friday, September 10, 2010


I made a really long post with pictures and everything and then it got lost cause I was signed out of g-mail for a while and blogger got confused. I am heart broken. I will have to re-write it tomorrow... I have taken notes, so hopefully I can remember decently well....

This is why Nathan always tells me to save when I play video games... Cause I forget, and then I get killed and have to start over from a long time ago... Blogging is a lot like video games, I guess.

Aviento (I don't know how that's spelled, but I think it's Russian.... either that or it's a word I made up because I thought it is what Anastasia said in the movie... I also might have made up it's meaning, but to me it means, "goodbye until tomorrow.")

1 comment:

  1. I completely thought Anastasia was saying "Happy until!" And I always wondered, "until what?" I don't think that word is Russian though - perhaps it is French, since they are in Paris?


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