Friday, June 8, 2012

Charming Paradox

I've been reading several random internet articles lately and fallen in love with two statements. The first is from an article on Hello Giggles, called "Everything I Need To Know, I Learned from the Women of Disney. "(Not exactly shocking I liked this article, huh?) But the 9th thing is my favorite. It's called "Kiss the Girl" and it goes like this:
"If you are ever floating in a blue lagoon with someone you have a major crush on and you don’t go for it, I hate you.
If you are ever on a long drive at nighttime and you drop her off at home and you want to kiss her and you are pretty sure she wants you to kiss her and you don’t go for it, I hate you.
If you are watching a movie and your hands are impossibly close to each other’s and you know she wants you to kiss her and you watch the whole movie and you don’t remember anything that has happened because you have been thinking of kissing her and you do not go for it, I hate you."
That's funny. And also true. and I think the author might be experiencing some of that frustration in real life.

But seriously. The girl isn't supposed to make the first move, the guy is. So if the guy wants to, but doesn't? The girl is going crazy trying to figure out if she is reading the signs wrong or something.. so I kinda get the "I hate you."

The other statement is from a site that has far less insightful/interesting articles, but I really liked the one called, "10 Fun Things We Did as a Kid That We Should Do Now." The part that caught me was in number 5.
"One of the best things about being a kid aside from all the fun things to do was that we truly lived in the moment. If we had the best pancakes ever, we savored each bite and made up songs about how delicious it was."
The one statement I was told more than any other while growing up was, "It doesn't require a song, Renée." But I think they were wrong. It *does* require a song. I want to make up more delicious pancake songs... in fact I think that sort of child-like wonder is something I really want to hold on to and maintain.

I don't want to be stupid, I don't want to be naive, I don't want to be ditzy- but I never want to lose my ability to marvel- to look at the world with wonder-colored glasses. To laugh because something is just delightfully funny... And that might sometimes look stupid or naive or ditzy. But it isn't.

I may be wrong but I think it makes me more endearing-- especially when mixed with a good dose of sarcasm...

And that makes me a paradox... but a charming paradox, which is something I can live with.

Oooh! I've come up with a scathingly brilliant idea: Put the glow sticks in the car. Then the next time I'm outside in the dark I will have glow sticks instead of wistfully pining for them.

Oh I see that amused smirk on your face. And I revel in it.


  1. This may not be something you want to hear, but sometimes I think we are very mich alike. And, sometimes I wonder if Nathan saw some of that. I make up songs for everything, and names for things. Like I one of N's favorite breakfast- ham, biscuit& sausage & bacon! "Paula's pork Paradise"

    1. Why wouldn't I want to hear that? Nathan absolutely saw it-- when we first met he told me all the time how much I was like you. He did stop eventually, but it's why he always said that we would get along so well (and he was right!)


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