Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I got to hang out with two Karas yesterday. The first Kara waves at rooms full of people when she's leaving- like a rock star getting on her tour bus....even though no one really cares that much or is even looking at her. She also drops her iPhone in cups of hot chocolate. (Ok, it was just the one time, but that's enough.)

The other Kara calls me a lot and leaves me messages and they are hilarious. In them she has multiple personalities, including hyper Kara, Asian Kara, unintelligible Kara, tired Kara, and a game show host Kara.

I want to discuss these messages more, but I don't think I could do them justice... I think you might have to be Kara or I to really find them as funny as we do but here's one of my favorite quotes, "I can't hang out with you tonight, but maybe you can call me and we'll talk on the phone, like two old ladies who talk on the phone.... or two hummingbirds who also talk on the phone."

I think that one is accessible enough that everyone can understand it and be amused.

Today I found two things that I want.  The first is "nail stickers." Used to easily make awesome designs on your nails. You can see an example of said awesome nails on this blog.

The second is in this almost fully funded Kickstarter. (Probably will be fully funded by the time you read this, and they'll have upped their "goal.") It's a manga involving a baby unicorn, and ancient Greek Gods.... It's as though someone took everything I loved as a pre-teen and made a book about it (with pictures.) Waaaaant!

Oh and I added a gadget so that you can read a blog post and maybe find blog posts that are similar that you like. That's pretty cool, right? I think I'm gonna redesign my look and feel sometime soon... I'm bored with it. Anyone want to do it for me for free? I'd let ya.

Also I spent an insanely long amount of time this afternoon making plaid nails in homage to my men's shirt.
Seen here, with said shirt in the background!
.... I apparently didn't know when to stop when it came to the stripe-er. You know what word "striper" looks uncomfortably close to??

What? Stripe? ...uhhhh yeah, that's totally the word I was thinking of.

I think tomorrow I'm going to try and go to Starbucks and work... I haven't looked at my book in over a week, between family, and friends, and video game work. Need to get back to it.

Well this post is just a mish-mash of everything.

In other news pinterest is making me hungry and in case you were wondering, my head has not shrunk. It is still too large to wear cute hats....

I'm curious to see what posts the gadget thinks are like this one.


  1. I did not understand paragraph 6. Am I too old, or techno illiterate, or unhip? Please advise.

    1. Well, 1) Did you open up the kickstarter link, cause that might explain a lot. 2) Manga means Japanese comic book, basically. 3)I was a super girly pre-teen who collected unicorns and was obsessed with Greek mythology. 4) I put a lot of "a"'s in the word want to mimic how the word would be spelled in the way that I was saying it in my head.

      A kickstarter project is basically a fundraising method whereby lots of people pledge a little bit to get some promised project made. It's a way to do something without having a large amount of upfront cash or a financial backer


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