Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Help, help I'm being oppressed!

Today I got an e-mail from Moon City telling me that the second piece I submitted will not be published. I'm not surprised by this, because they were both long and why would they print two things of mine in the same journal? It's not the "Journal of  Everything Renée".... (That's this blog!) However, I was really happy to get the e-mail because it was obviously written to me, and they mention "What to Say" and that they are "excited" to include it in the volume.

At long last, confirmation that they really did mean to hit send on the first e-mail that said they were going to publish it.

Yes, I still doubted that they were seriously going to publish it even yesterday. I thought it still might be a big mean cosmic joke played on me by the universe.

Hooray for it not being a joke!

I'm excited to start classes... I feel like I'll be a more interesting person with classes happening. I will have things to discuss and people to describe and happenings to report.

I think right now I mainly talk about the same things over and over.


Speaking of which, I think Kara said it best, yesterday- My manicure is oppressing me. Maybe I should just try and chip it so that I *have* to take the polish off...

Help, help I'm being oppressed!

Oh... sad. I just looked that line up and it's actually "Help, help I'm being repressed." I don't like that nearly as much.

I find Monty Python to be endlessly quote-able but a miserable movie to sit through.. am I the only one who thinks this way?

Napolean Dynamite is similar, though less quote-able. I think it's the distinct lack of British accents. British accents make anything more quote-able.

For instance, my British GPS is constantly saying, "Take slip road on right." And do you think I would be telling you that if he weren't British? Heck no.

By the way Happy Diamond Jubilee to the Queen! It's a big year for London, with the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics. I'd go to London, too, but the universe might implode with that much happening in London at once, so it's probably best I don't go. I don't even think the Doctor could put the world back to rights after such a happening.

Interesting fact: I get hungry at 1:30-2. It doesn't matter if I ate both lunch and supper. It doesn't matter if I had a late supper. It doesn't matter if I had big meal or small meals or lots of snacks- if it's 2 in the morning I'm hungry. Strangely enough, even when dealing with the weeks after Nathan died and I was eating next to nothing, I would still get hungry at 2 in the morning... What is that about?

Ok I have to go and get some cereal or something now. Catch ya on the flip!

P.S. Listen to these girls sing this song... And I thought I liked the original!


  1. You can polish over your gel nails.it might make your own polish hold up longer. Use a top coat. Motherly advice.

    1. I looked it up. You are a genius. This is happening- tonight.

    2. Of course I'm a genius. Is that how you spell genius?'


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