Thursday, June 7, 2012

E-mails and Mac and Cheese

You know it's a good manicure when, the only human interaction you had all day included a girl complimenting you on your nails.

I don't paint my nails for guys. Most of them don't notice and fewer of them care. I paint my nails for myself and for other girls.

I've been super prolific as far as blogging goes lately. I actually have 2 blogs on the back burner, that are just waiting to be published on a day that I don't have anything to say... which hasn't happened yet.

But for today I promised mac and cheese, which I will get to in a moment. First, though, I would like for you to join me in a perusal of my e-mail inbox. Within the past few days I have received e-mails with the following subject lines:

"Pollen Bees & Upgrades"

"I Have My Cake and I Will Eat It Too!"

"Moon City"

"Why Early Readers are going the way of the Dodo." (This is actually one I sent. Yes, my capitalization in that sentence is CraZy random. No, I don't know why.)

"why you can write books and make millions too"

Thank you for joining me on my e-mail tour. I hope you enjoy randomness as much as I do... if not we might be in trouble.

The funny part is that none of those were junk mail. They were all real e-mails and the e-mails actually made sense with those subject lines. Boy, alien anthropologists are gonna have a field day with me... is it weird that I often think of how to make my life the most interesting for aliens who are studying people in 10,000 years?

Now, to totally change the subject, I'm pretty sure I should be taking a multi-vitamin... Yesterday I had a venti Iced Chai, a piece of pumpkin bread, a meal from Wendy's and a lemon bar. Today I had two lemon bars, (they are gone now, thank heavens) a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup, 10 Bagel Bites and a pack of Gushers. You will notice a distinct lack of vegetables in that line-up.

Yeah, it's really terrible.

However, I can say one thing. I have now officially tried all of the new macaroni and cheeses that have been popping up all over the bloody place and here is my review (cause I know my feelings on macaroni are really important to you):

McAlisters- Maybe they've had mac and cheese for a while and I just missed the train, being too distracted by their lovely sweet tea buckets. (To be fair they call them, "cups," but I know a bucket when I see one!) Regardless this mac and cheese is... fine. Better than your average buffet restaurant mac and cheese, but... your mom's is probably better... well.... maybe not if your "mom's" comes in a tall skinny blue box.

Wendy's- Or as I like to think of it, "'It's ok, you tryyyyy!' mac and cheese." This pretty well is standard-buffet-line mac and cheese.. The noodles were pretty mushy and that cheese was scary orange. However they do put some shredded cheddar cheese on top when you order it so that there is a little variation in texture and taste... but that's about all they have going for them. Survey says: Stick with the baked potato... or the chili... or the salad as a side... Heck, I didn't need another side option that I like at Wendy's anyway.

Panera- They have somehow achieved mac and cheese perfection at Panera, I think they might have gotten in on Pioneer Woman's "soul to the devil for amazing recipes" deal... either that or they just hired her to make their mac and cheese recipe.. The noodles aren't mushy and gross like pasta normally is in a resteraunt that doesn't only serve pasta and the cheese sauce, while white (which actually makes it seem more like real cheese not scary neon orange goo) is amazing. For the rest of my life when I partake in mac and cheese I'll secretly be craving this mac and cheese. Perhaps I oversell, but if you go, get bread as your side so you can use it to eat every last droplet of that leftover cheese sauce like the crack-laced fondue happiness that it is.

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