Friday, June 15, 2012

Today's story

I'm super proud of myself.

I saw this guy working in the electronics department of Target, and I recognized him.... but in that distant way that tells you that while you've never had an actual interaction, you've seen him a lot... somewhere.

So I saw him, and I recognized him, but I couldn't place him.... and I thought about just straight out asking him where I knew him from, but I wasn't talking to him, I was just looking at headphones and trying to figure out what I actually needed from electronics, because I didn't write it down. But he smiled at me and I smiled back and I kept thinking. "Why is he so familiar?" And I never did remember what I needed in electronics, possibly because I was so distracted trying to place him in the vortex of my cerebellum.

I thought maybe he was a Soar Leader when I was a freshman, or maybe he was in Beartones or maybe he was in theatre... Some type of person in charge or performer where I had spent some time watching him, but he'd have no way of knowing who I was, so there was no way he was just going to tell me where I recognized him from.

It drove me absolutely nuts, but I'm shy... so I didn't say anything to him, because - I mean he's working, for heaven's sake! He doesn't need me to interrupt, to ask him random questions about 10 years ago.

Then I came home and remembered- Ink cartridges! My printer is nigh-on out of ink, and I need replacements- and the cartridges at Target are a good 1.50 cheaper than Wal-mart.

So I treked back to Target today, and grabbed the cartridges and the guy was working again... and I didn't say anything to him.

I know! I'm ridiculous.

But then I went and found some art that was on clearance that I wanted to buy... and then I remembered I needed to buy a floor length mirror... only I didn't have a cart cause I was just thinking I'd grab the ink, and my empty Starbucks cup made it impossible for me to carry everything...

But I could throw away an empty Starbucks cup-- and you know where stores have trashcans? Behind the counter in electronics. Yes! A kickstarter for me to talk to this guy and finally set my mind at peace.

*And* I did it! He was a theatre-performance kid (He was actually in a ton of shows- thus why I recognized him.) He didn't recognize me but he shouldn't have, as I'm not sure that we'd ever actually spoken before... though he did remember that I was in there yesterday, which made me feel kinda silly. (I explained my ink forgetful-ness.) Anyway he was super nice and we chatted for a several minutes and it wasn't weird or awkward or anything and I'm still all in one piece, even after initiating a conversation.

One point in the "overcoming shyness" category for me! I'm counting this as a successful "adventure."

You're super proud of me, too, aren't you?!


Thought so.

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