Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Rave... not the dancing kind.

Yesterday's word of the day was dauntless(ly). Wha ha ha ha! Such power is mine! ...Oh no, what if I lose this power!?

So as you may or may not know, Pixelscopic (the company that I work for sometimes and the guys who are my friends) got back this evening from PAX. They debuted their game (currently in development) Delver's Drop there. And I just wanted to say how flipping amazing they are.

PAX went really well. Ryan just came by (I was checking in on his house/saving his mail from Hurricane Isaac) and he told me a few stories about it... and I'm just full to bursting with pride and positive thoughts and excitement for them.

They work really hard, those guys.

First, they work on the video games that pay the bills (like the Moshi Monster games I've worked on.) And then on top of that, whenever they can find a free moment, they work on their own games. And "a free moment" normally means ridiculous hours or staying up all night or missing out on family time.

Yes, it helps that they are all so talented at what they do, but that doesn't lessen the crazy amount of work they are putting in. I so admire/respect how relentlessly they push towards their real goal while constantly having to be sidetracked by "paying" projects.

Now eventually they are going to get a game or two finished that they've developed from start to finish. I have no doubt that they will be insanely successful and make millions (at which time they should totally hire me as their permanent copy-writer.) There is not a doubt in my mind that fame and fortune await them, and I'm just proud and happy to be able to say that they are my friends. That I knew them when. That I'm totally a fangirl.

Sweet story:

A father sent Ryan a message. His little girl was at PAX and got one of their buttons. She put it on her hat, but then she lost her hat at PAX. The little girl was very upset by the loss of her button with the rogue character on it, so her dad asked if he could buy a button from them. Ryan is planning on sending a signed print of the character as well as all of the buttons.

Yes, the self-same buttons I now have copies of gracing my laptop bag.



I don't understand how you could be nemesis with people like that. *coughKaracough*


  1. That's the thing about nemeses... the ones worth having are able to make everyone else think that they are the good guy. Only the hero can see the truth, and even those closest to her fail to understand. It's a lonely road I walk.

    Hope little girl isn't too disappointed when, oh in a couple years she finds herself in need of proper artistic interpretation of an abstractly crafted stick figure... hope she isn't let down when the betrayer scratches a few lines on a page, dashing her dreams of justice with a shrug. "Oh I don't know, best art student Missouri State has ever seen... I suppose the profile of a sad & confused young man IS beyond your sketching skills with your alien hands of talent. Never mind."

  2. Nemesis. Dauntless was my second choice yesterday.


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