Sunday, September 9, 2012

Am I Blue?

Yesterday's word was frolic.

So a few weeks ago I came up with a bit of a daft idea... I've kinda been into the crazy hair color for a while now.... and I decided I  really wanted blue hair... well not completely blue, but at least blue streaks... and I'm 29 and as we all know there are no more crazy hair colors allowed after 30. (What? That's the most arbitrary and random rule ever? Yeah, you are right it is.)

But seriously I can't have crazy hair forever. So today I went to the hair salon and the hairstylist said, "I was thinking a red ombré" (cause we talked about changing things up last time) and I said... what about blue??

And it just so happened that they had recently gotten a "permanent" blue hair dye. So new that they'd only experimented on the stylists in the salon, not any actual customers. And I'm told my hair is very healthy--enough that it can handle being bleached out on the ends... and it would have needed to be bleached out anyway for the red ombré....

So today I was a bit of a guinea pig.. So much so that all the stylists kept coming over to look at my hair/ooh and aw/clap their hands.

It's really subtle. You can't tell in low lighting and only barely in outside lighting (thought I did wash it again this evening in hopes of removing enough dye that it would lighten up/ be more noticeable... it will eventually, but I just want to hurry the process along.)

But still... I think I'm totally awesome now... I have blue hair.

This picture actually makes the blue more noticeable than it is.

PS I am feeling much better... either lots of sleep, food and Vitamin C works, or complaining about feeling sick works.


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