Friday, September 7, 2012

Don't Write Me Off Just Yet

Yesterday's word was disgorge.

You know who one of my newest favorite people is?

The guy in my Form and Theory class who will come in, quote a line from this really dense, difficult to get through stuff we are reading and then say, "What is he saying there? That doesn't mean anything. Those are barely words!"

Here's to you, Joe. I hereby appoint you the Chancellor of Form and Theory. *raises my mug of tea* Where everyone else (myself included) try to nod sagely and pretend we understand when we actually don't, you just lay out the honesty. It's especially appreciated when certain others in the class are pompous windbags.... but I digress. I'm happy that my professors know my name, and I feel safe both lauding and disparaging my compatriots, cause I don't think they will ever read this. The internet, she is a wide and wondrous place.

I think I am getting sick. My throat has hurt all day... I'm hoping that I'm not, though... being sick is absolutely no fun. I'm gonna drink my hot tea and feel better in the morning. Right, guys?

... Hey, it's worked before.

No brilliant insights from Shakespeare tonight, but a great appreciation for having a friend in my creative writing class... It's much easier to make yourself vulnerable to spectacular failure when you have a friend who is on your side and will tell you it's good, regardless.

In other news I really feel like I need to watch Music and Lyrics this weekend... I love that movie... a lot.

**** Don't listen if you haven't watched the movie and you think you might.****


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