Wednesday, September 12, 2012

17 of 30

List time!

17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

This one is easy:

Sustained Spontaneous Talking (which is intelligent and coherent.)

There are so many times in my life when I wish that I could make my point or get out a coherent argument, without saying something that is the opposite of what I mean.

I want to be quick on my feet when it comes to talking. I have a pretty good wit. I can throw in one liners, but when it comes to just going on about a topic... Oy vey.

Half the time I don't even know what I think about something until days after the fact, much less am able to wax eloquently on the matter. 

And I *always* figure out what I wish I'd said hours (or days) after it's time to make my point.

But it's not like I can watch a movie and then say to my friends, "Ok, lets discuss this 3 days hence."

Or tell my professor not to get his knickers in a twist, "I'm thinking."

Knickers in a twist... Slacks in a bow... Capris in a snare... Jodhpurs in a knot... Breeches in a bunch... Dungarees in a dungeon...

Ok, now I'm just playing.

Yesterday's word was fodder.


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