Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sick, Sardines, and Storming

Yesterday's word was chancellor.

It's "Feed a cold, Starve a fever," right?

I've been doing that. Now granted, I've been doing it not because of the adage but because I've been absolutely starving all day... Like hollow-legged-teenage-boy-starving.

I've also drunk more fluids than I normally do in 2 days.

And I walked across campus in a monsoon sans umbrella.

But that has nothing to do with my throat and/or sinuses.

It's been a long time since I've been sick-- since teaching, I think.... Being around so many germs at school/ work probably isn't that great-- there's a downside!

Because it's been so long, I'm like super whiny about it. I mean, really, the only thing that's wrong with me is that my throat hurts and I constantly feel like there is something caught in the back of it and my face feels hot.  Not so bad in the grand scheme, but I sure am complaining about it.

I got trapped in the library basement for a while today because of the crazy thunderstorm... I heard there were 68 mph straightline winds at one point. The lights flickered a few times and I was struck with the brilliant idea that if they went out we should play "Stuck-in-the-library Sardines."

I announced this excitedly and a guy sitting nearby definitely looked up, highly amused by the idea.

Seriously... the library is the best sardines game ever, just waiting to happen.

Then when they released us from library capture I walked across campus to get to my car. Halfway there I took off my shoes, cause they were my crocs and I was slipping around so much that I was going to twist an ankle...

Also-- I almost fell on the the steps in front of Carrington in my *bare feet.* That's how slippery that concrete is.

I was totally soaked.... but honestly by the time I'd crossed the road in my bare feet and walked through the parking lot in my bare feet I kinda just wanted to frolic in the rain (in my bare feet) a bit. I didn't. I just got in my automobile and drove home.

I came home and hung up my dress pants in the shower and changed into pjs. I was going to go to Art Walk tonight to listen to a creative writing showcase... but the second storm came through just when I would have needed to leave and I was feeling miserable, so I didn't. I'm sad cause I would have really liked to support the program and I was supposed to go for a class, too... but there are other options later and I think it's probably better this way... especially considering I fell asleep at 8 and slept till midnight...

I think I might be tired.

I really like my tattoo... I just wish there was a better way to show it off... of course, I'm totally sure that if it was in a more obvious place, I'd wish that I could hide it more conviently... never content. That's me!

Ok, not really.


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