Monday, September 19, 2011

Getting used to not-a-Prius

1) Acceleration. I don't recall thinking that my hybrid didn't accelerate quickly... but I get into the rental car and drive and when I push the gas from a full stop I bout give myself whiplash.

2) Locking and unlocking my doors. I keep putting the key in my pocket when I need it to do things with.

3) Which brings me to the key. How do you see where to put the key in the dark again?

4) Putting the car in park. I just push power in the Prius and it automatically puts it in park... I spent like 5 minutes at Wal-mart trying to figure out why I couldn't get the key out of the ignition even though the car was off... luckily the Prius has also trained me to not take my foot of the brake until I'm ready to exit the vehicle. Smart, Prius-designer-person, smart.

5) Whatever it's called when you take your foot off the brake but don't hit the gas... inching forward? the Prius doesn't really do it much... other cars do.

6) How short my arms are. Seriously? Do all car doors open this far?? How do you people reach the door without getting out, closing it halfway, and getting back in? Are you Inspector Gadget or Stretch Armstrong?

7) 26 mpg is good.

8) How the heck does anyone find a gold Corolla in a parking lot?? It looks like every car in the world.

9) Wait, there is a trunk? I can carry anything I want to in it and no one will know? Dude, you could totally transport dead bodies in the back of this thing.

10) Dang... it never gets quieter.... it's loud when I accelerate, but it's still loud when I'm sitting at a stoplight.

11) I've been spoiled.


  1. I would not recommend carrying dead bodies in your

  2. Dawn, you just do not know how to have a good time. ;)


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