Thursday, September 1, 2011

Proudest moment?

Blogger has a brand new interface... I'm trying to get used to it. (Don't worry, it's not something you will see.)

It's a strange thing what a relief it is to see someone on a TV show who is on a ventilator *look* like they are on a ventilator. Makes me sad, but it doesn't make me angry... makes me feel like someone out there knows... or at least that they did their research. There are some things it is cruel to try and fake, and hospital scenes are one of them.

I was thinking today that I should send a thank you letter to Nathan's dr and nurses in St. Louis... I never actually did that, and they were so nice and kind to us.

I've been posed the question, "When you look back on your life, what are you the most proud of?" and I think that I'm too young to have something to be the most proud of, and then I remember I'm 28... and I think, "How have I not had something that I can definitively point to as my proudest thing?" and then I remember that I don't have children, and I've never had huge lofty dreams... just small simple ones... I lack ambition, you know.

I'm not sure how I've become so old and so young at the same time.... oh wait, maybe I do know... that stupid wolf, again.

I'm feeling contemplative... this is a dangerous place for me... Luckily, I have my handy dandy distractions all around me... Like the fact that my apartment desperately needs to be cleaned, and must be cleaned by  Sat, because the lovely Melissa is having a birthday party here that night.

Yes, apartment cleaning. That's precisely what I should be doing at 2 in the morning.

Then again, perhaps not.

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