Friday, September 2, 2011

Kitsunes make me hungry

Happy Birthday, Lissa!

I was gonna go to bed at 12:30 and then I remembered that I still had to blog this evening. So you see, it is not my fault that I don't get enough sleep. It's my blog's fault. But since I'm off tomorrow, it's all ok, for I can get extra sleep in the morning time... PLUS I don't know if you recall this, but it's Labor Day weekend, so that means that I don't work on Monday. Hopefully you don't work either, so together we can celebrate this most auspicious of occasions, the 3 day weekend... or 4 day if you don't work on Fridays, but please don't be a hater. Being a hater is something that should be avoided if at all possible.

Tonight, I've been going over various kitsune myths/legends. For some reason they say there are a ton of these types of stories, but there isn't a lot of information online... I mean enough to get a general idea, but kitsune are apparently polarizing... you either love them or you've never heard of them. Oh ok, here, I'll throw you a wikipedia bone. Gosh, you really gotta learn how to google stuff for yourself, some day. :)

I'm kidding, of course. I love being your source of arcane knowledge. Well, really more like your source for your source of arcane knowledge.

Do you ever want something sweet and then discover that really what you wanted was for the sweet thing to sit next to you in case you actually wanted to eat it? I've had a rice krispie treat sitting next to me for hours.

Oh man, you know what I just remembered? The cinnamon rolls and the cookies they sold at lunch in highschool. A lot of people loved those cinnamon rolls, but the cookies... especially when they were barely baked and really just flat cookie dough that could be rolled into a cookie dough ball... *that* was good stuff.

I think I love the flavor of oats far more than a normal person, but I don't know how to do a qualitative analysis to determine for sure.... Do you know anyone else who loves oatmeal flavored ice cream... or makes oatmeal just to put a scoop of ice cream on it... or only eats the cobbler/streusel for the topping? Wait... maybe I just did a qualitative analysis. This just in, folks, I heart oats.

I've recently discovered this soup called Tom Kha Gai. I'm a late Thai food adapter/adopter, I know, it's about time. Anyway this soup is a chicken and lemongrass and coconut milk soup... and ach. It. Is. Good. I'm having very specific food longings tonight... And I don't even think I'm hungry... though I'm probably making you hungry by now. Sorry, yo.

What can I say? Kitsunes make me hungry!

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