Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Car Accident

So.... the 9:00PM to 12:30 AM nap... not among my most august of ideas.

But I have an excuse. Or at least I think that I do. I was in a car accident today. Yep. A car accident. In my lovely car. Now my lovely car's front bumper looks terrible... though I honestly think that may be the only thing that's seriously damaged. No air bags.

Basically a girl ran a stop sign and by the time that I saw she was running it, I didn't have time to stop, and I hit her driver's side door head on. I'm fine, she is fine, it could have been a *lot* worse. I was shaken up, but I stayed calm and relatively competent I think. The police officer was really nice. I think he knew it wasn't my fault. The EMT's arrived and asked if I was ok, and I waved them off and I said, "Oh, I'm fine."

They laughed, "That was easy!"

But I am fine... just makes me miss Nathan. It's time like these that we have husbands and boyfriends for... so that when something scary happens you don't have to be the strong one. I'm tired of being strong. I can't even say "the strong one," cause that implies there are more of me than myself.

Basically, I feel like everyone deserves to have a hug after getting in a car accident, and I didn't get one. And so now I'm feeling whiney. I should have just hugged the police officer. Poor guy wouldn't have known where that came from. Why are men infinitely more comforting to me than women? I think I might have a complex.

But the thing I have to focus on is that I'm ok. I'm not in a hospital... that girl isn't in a hospital. Praise the the Lord, I didn't have to go to a hospital. Praise the Lord that I was able to brake as much as I did... just Praise God, anyhow.

P.S. Did you know that Job named his daughters Dove, Cinnamon, and Darkeyes? At least that's what the Message tells me... in other words, Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren-Happuch. I kinda like it.


  1. The first thought that came to my mind last night was that you might need a hug.
    You are becoming stronger as you endure and overcome these incidents.
    I'd like to imagine N is smiling on you with his trademark grin.

  2. It's late...but here is a virtual hug. {{{{hug}}}}}


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