Monday, September 12, 2011

Duck and run

Did I mention the professor of my writing class was in a creative writing class with Orson Scott Card and read/critiqued Ender's Game when it was a short story? Holy Crap! She just dropped that little nugget as an aside while talking about something else. Half of the class was looking at her with eyes of wonder and half of the class with eyes of wondering who "that Card author" was.

I got my picture book down to 798 words. Assignment was 600-800. It started out around 1300. I consider myself to be a rockstar.

On my father's side of the family there are 23 first cousins (plus 3 spouses and 4 children of cousins.) We are- in total- 49 (If we hadn't lost Nathan it would have been 50.) When can you be considered a clan??

Do you know that someday I could live on a street named Rainbow Drive? This only occurred to me this weekend. Isn't it a lovely thought, though?

You know the passage in Romans where Paul says he does the things he doesn't want to do and doesn't do the things he wants to? Am I the only person who feels like that even in not-important-and-not-at-all-spiritual situations? I want to exercise, I don't. I don't want to stay up too late, I do. Even in smaller matters. I want to talk to someone at a party. I don't. I don't want to ask for reassurances but I do. Over and over this happens to me. Is it just the human condition? Or is it something more/less than that?

I hate goodbyes now. Especially semi-permanent goodbyes. I end up avoiding them and then feeling like I missed something important... but the hugs are never long enough and the words never say enough and the bitter out weighs the sweet and not in a chocolate chip kind of way. Maybe its a fear of goodbye, or maybe it's just that a goodbye can never be everything that you want it to be.

Am I the only one, who when faced with a social situation in which I'm unsure what the other person wants, tends to duck her head and just run in whatever direction I'm pointed... And that "running" can be metaphorical or actual. This usually results in two possibilities. 1) being ignored or 2) someone greeting me or saying goodbye in a really amused tone of voice.

Apparently cowardice is funny.


  1. Who is your teacher? Is it Dr Chast...? He's the only person I can think of with the right age and Utah connections.


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