Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chocolate and Cayenne Pepper

The other day I was talking to Kara about a friend who recently started dating another friend.

And I was saying how happy I was about it. 

Kara said, "It's one of those 'I'm so glad they found each other' type situations."

I responded, "Exactly, and not because there was no one else in the world who could put up with them, but because they just fit so well... they make so much sense."

She agreed, and then commented that she was pretty sure no one thought that about her and Josh when they started dating. That people seemed more surprised than anything.

It was the same way with Nathan and I- If the response wasn't something akin to, "finally." It was surprise. There was none of the, "Oh that's so great! They are perfect!"

I was talking about it with Melissa later. (Girls get really excited when people start dating!) And after agreeing with me about how thrilled she was, we were discussing couples who (at first) seem more mismatched. Bill and Melissa as a couple also came as a surprise to a lot of people.

And I made this comparison, "Sometimes people are like peanut butter and chocolate. They just go together and everyone knows it. And sometimes people are like chocolate and.... cayenne pepper..."

And Melissa said, "You put them together and your mouth is like, "Ahhhh I'm on fire! ... and I'm surprisingly ok with that."

Then she said, "Put that on your blog!"

1 comment:

  1. As someone who has ate hot pepper chocolate and survived, I must say that peppers and chocolate do not go together. Maybe if it was mild pepper, but definitely not hot. You have to eat Dad's chocolate before you can say they go together. I'm sure Dad would share with Melissa, too.


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