Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Day in the Life

Today I:

Woke up sad... and decided that the only way to combat this was to curl my hair... Sometimes the "full armor of God" looks different when you are a girl.

Confirmed that I do not, in fact, work tomorrow.

Cried at church. I made it last week without tears, but I didn't do as well this week.

Came home and watched a little bit of my cable, since it's still on, and I shall miss it so.

Spent several hours hanging out in my office while Jonny hooked me up with a functioning DSL line... and then reset my router so that I would know the password the next time someone comes over with their laptop. I was actually more a presence than useful in any way. For example, here is a conversation we had:
Jonny: Renee, do you have the router administration password?
Renee: .... the router administration password? ....
Jonny: Right, then.

Watched a movie from Netflix on my new DSL just to check and see how the connection is... I was pleasantly surprised. No pausing or buffering in mid movie. Maybe me and DSL can have a functional relationship after all.

Lost a post-it note. Seriously? My house is even relatively clean... There aren't that many places a lime green post-it note could hide... you'd think at least. Lime green! I'm not kidding when I say I type a sentence of this post and then get up and move things around my house searching for this stinkin post-it.

Was convinced that the post-it is doing it on purpose, and is mocking me

Found the Post-it... though I'm still not convinced it isn't mocking me. Look at it's smug green face.

Called the number on the post-it, and left a message.

Deleted 70 emails out of the first 100- mainly e-mails from facebook and blog comments... Not that I'm complaining! It's how I know you care.

Searched for something to do.

Did not order Pajama Jeans. Despite their "smooth butt-lifting design"  and the gray crew neck T-shirt they throw in for free.... Can I be British and spell gray, "grey"?

Wrote this blog post. 

Went and ate some strawberries & Nutella. (Thanks, Lora!)

1 comment:

  1. I Googled Pajama Jeans and now I want them. I think butt-lifting qualities are something I could really get behind. Pun intended.

    Post-its are evil. I will lose them for months only to have them resurface after I have completely forgotten what they mean. I'll clean off my desk and there will be one that says something like:

    blazer like magazine
    socks for chair
    coffee b. 4 work

    And I will look at it and go, What was I on when I wrote this? What are chair socks? What magazine? Worms??? Shaker of what? Or for what? Or did I mean Shaker like Shaker furniture, and just not capitalize? Mysteries.

    Glad you get a day off tomorrow. I hope you find something fun to do. And I hope you do not wake up sad. But if you do, I recommend a new color of eyeshadow. That is one of my favorite pieces of armor.


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