Thursday, February 10, 2011

I might be getting addicted....

I found the section of Blogger that tells me how many page views I have and I think I might be addicted to checking it... It's nice to know that people care... or are at least mildly interested in me.

Today was.... mainly good. I had to clean off the cars, which is never a fun time... and I took most of Nathan's clothes away to be stored for a while... and that was heavy... in many ways. But I also got to hang out with a 2 different friends and that was nice.

Oh and that sweater I mentioned? I got it... for $16.50! If I'd bought it a mere 12 days ago I would have paid 54 dollars for it.. and I got it for 16 freaking 50. It was quite exciting... Other purchases today include a new coat (I've been meaning to buy a new one all winter), a chain for my rings, a book, and a shirt that I got 10 dollars off of. All this and I still have Christmas money left over (I kinda didn't have a chance to get out and spend it.) Yes, all this purchasing does make me feel a little bit better.. and yes I know it's a better that doesn't last and perhaps it makes me bit materialistic and shallow.... but I'm just going to have to hope that you will forgive me and still love me anyway.

Finally went out and checked the mail.... lots of cards... they made me cry. :-s I find myself having to over-eyeline, if I'm going to go out because invariably if I don't, I'll cry it all off before I actually get out of the house. Of course I don't have this problem if I just stay in, but that might be the most pathetic excuse ever to stay home. For some reason I am concerned about how I look when I go out more than I have been definitely since college, maybe ever. I'm not sure why... possibly because I don't want people to guess about me.... I'd rather they assume that everything is fine than to try and figure out in their heads why that girl looks like a train wreck... Or maybe it's because I don't want anyone to ask me what is wrong (I know how self-centered am I, that I think if I look like crap people will come up and ask me what is wrong). I definitely haven't mastered a graceful way to explain myself/the situation if someone doesn't know...

I think I might be getting sick. Not like the measles or anything, but there is something in the back of my throat today.... it would make sense... 1) I've been in close contact with about 500 people's germs in the past week and a half.... oh gosh it's only been that long?!? 2) Grief and not eating well/correctly can lower your immune system  and 3) My body hasn't really been allowed to get sick for a year and a half.... so it might be crashing now, the same way it used to after a show... when it knows it's safe. It's sad though, cause I always get clingy when I'm sick... only N's not here to cling to. (He really did make me feel better, if I was sick. Most effective placebo ever.) But let's just hope I'm wrong and my throat feels weird because I've not been drinking enough water.... in fact, I think I'll go get some hydration right now... and maybe some vitamin c tablets... fruit not exactly been a stable of my diet...


  1. I feel better when I buy things, too, sometimes. Don't feel bad about that ;) Also, I had a great time getting to know you better yesterday!

  2. Buying things = great therapy. And of course, I took that "library didn't have much" statement as a personal challenge. If we don't have it, we'll get it! (if there's any out there.) If you find a good one we don't have, tell me the title, so we can order it. I'll put it in the secret librarian back way.

    This message brought to you by your local library advocate. *salute*


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