Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I try!

It's 10:30 at night and I'm blogging.. No I'm not sick, I'm just feeling the effects of a long day with no nap, and 4 hours of sleep last night. So perhaps tonight I will write this early and sleep early and throw my circadian rhythm much closer to a "normal" person's.

(Side note: Does anyone else find the word rhythm ridiculously hard to spell? Here is how I want to spell it- rythmn) That's how I say it phonetically.

Missed my birthday present (that came in the mail today) cause I was gallivanting around town. I will pick it up tomorrow, but I can't use it till my birthday. I will let you know what it is when I'm allowed to open it. ;) Wait... maybe I already told you. Dang, I can't keep my own secrets... someone is probably going to tell me what it is now that I've let the cat out of the bag.

If you followed that last paragraph 30 points to Ravenclaw!

I went to 6 stores today. Did I mention I'm throwing a baby shower this weekend? Thus the 6 stores. Oh and the library. See me being on top of the ball for the first time in 3 weeks or so? ...yeah, don't get used to it.

Was talking to a friend this afternoon and had a moment where I said something and only realized after the fact how very much I believe it. Sometimes you just have to choose to be happy. Sometimes life just sucks and there is nothing that you can do about it and you are miserable and it's really impossible to find the good in the situation and then you have to hold on to the hope... and sometimes being happy is easy and so you don't have to make a choice... but a lot of the time you have two options in front of you... half empty and half full.. or maybe 3/4 empty or 1/4 full. But you can *choose* which way you are going to look at it... in fact often that's the only thing you can choose. Do you take this lemon and make lemonade, and lemon bars, and plant a lemon tree, and put the rinds down your disposal for a fresh lemon scent? Or do you sulk cause you don't like the color yellow? Do you step up to the plate and take a swing even if there are already 2 outs and 2 strikes? Or do you grouse to the coach about how he should have let you play sooner? I try to choose happiness. I try to choose joy. I try to choose hope.

Kara has a story about a professor of her sister's who would ask a question, and if someone answered incorrectly would cry out, "You exactly wrong! But it's ok! You try! He try!"


  1. I love the baseball analogy from someone who is not a sports fan! way to go renee.

  2. I think I remember what your present is, or I made up what I think it is... Either way, you have much more will power than to to not open it until your actual birthday.


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