Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kinda a random jumble of random, kinda.

I love love love blogging from bed. I didn't know how much I would love it till I did it, and now, lemme tell ya. I love it.

Been feeling super needy lately... people needy. Like I just want to hang out with someone all the time. I think this is why I baked cookies in college. Because then I could draw people to me by giving them something... the perfect plan.

Is it possible to just be a middle of the road computer girl? Is it possible to love my mac and want an ipod but still like my PC? I think it is from my perspective, but I'm not sure it is from anyone else's. I mean I'm gonna have my PC desktop for several years yet, so it's not like I will be switching over any time soon.. but  people are writing me off as a mac girl, now. What if I don't want to be written off? What if I just want to have a foot in both worlds? I don't know that I get a choice.

I really like smells. I know I posted about this on facebook, but I think it bears repeating. I really like smells, and I like it when people smell good, and when they do I try to compliment them on it, because honestly I like it when people compliment me on my perfume/body wash/whatever. I don't mean it to be a flirtatious move or something. I just want people to feel good about themselves, and I really do notice, so why not mention it? But maybe other people don't see it like that. I think complimenting someone on their smell may be a bit like winking... only certain people can do it without seeming like they are flirting. But I think I may just throw caution to the wind and continue to compliment people anyway. Girls won't think I'm flirting with them, and hopefully guys will just be flattered and move on. Especially now that I've put it in writing. -If I tell you, you smell good, it doesn't mean that I'm coming on to you, it just means that you smell good.- If I can't get myself to bring back the wink, at least I can encourage people to keep smelling good. That can't be a bad thing. Smell on, people, smell on!

I need more things to do on weeknight evenings... or to live in the dorms again... or to have more single friends. How do I do that? How do I make friends with single people? Especially cause once I make friends with single people I start praying for them to find someone and soon they are no longer single. Which is great, but is running me out of singles.

I realized today that if I don't like something, but then find out that someone else does I start to think more kindly towards it. For example I have a friend who loves rain... and I've never really been a fan, but since learning of his love for it I don't get as bummed when I see storm clouds a'brewin, because I know my friend is happy about it. The same goes for no-bake cookies, which honestly I could live happily without... but they are a different friend's favorite cookie and now I find myself eating them and thinking that they really aren't that bad. Yes, my friends, that's how much of an extrovert I am. I like things for the mere reason that my friends like them.

My would-have-been 4 year anniversary is coming up... I'm kinda scared. Tonight, driving home I saw an ambulance, and flashed to the only time we had to have an ambulance come to our house... the week before Nathan died and I really wanted a hug but I came home to my empty apartment and just tried not to think about it. Obviously didn't do so stellar of a job, though, as I'm writing about it now... See what I mean? People needy.


  1. I had a comment to make about the beginning of your post, but then I got distracted by the if-my-friends-like-it part and the seeing an ambulance part. I'm so sorry you have memories like "the only time an ambulance came to our apartment" memories... Life was simpler when you couldn't remember something like that b/c you'd never experienced it.

    ...Of course - since I can't remember the comment I was going to make about the first part, I have no choice but to conclude that it was really funny. So laugh, okay?

  2. OH! As always - I remembered it and it wasn't that funny.

    Maybe being a mac person or a PC person is like politics. Everyone is pretty much in the middle, but since we're pressured to declare a side, you get this like 50/50 split - half of Americans going one way and half going the other. THEN you have a few extreeeeeeeeme people on the very edges of each side declaring total, complete, and perhaps irrational allegiance to their side and they say nasty things about the other side. THEN people who discuss such things assume that the 50% on that side are all properly represented by the extremists on their side and same with the people on the other side. When really - everyone is pretty much in the middle.

    I think Mac & Microsoft make more money if there's a Culture War! but really it's like a Culture War? (There's a book about the political aspects of this entitled Culture War?) I don't remember the author but I credit that person for this comment.

    And I blame them that this comment isn't very funny.

  3. Nobake Cookies with Nutella instead of peanut butter. 'Nuff Said.


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