Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Post of Awesome

I had a good day running around with friends. I so prefer doing things to not doing things... and doing things with people? Sign me up.

Yesterday I went to Barnes and Noble and found a book called "The Book of Awesome." They are things that are funny or clever, or really just awesome... (Please note that this is awesome as used in popular vernacular, not awesome as in inspiring awe (an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.) You can get a feel for what the book is like by visiting the blog of awesome.  I really like the idea of cataloging the little things... It's kinda like playing the glad game.... (Yes, that is from Polly. What can I say? I love that movie.) It just gives you a nice perspective. Like remembering how nice it was when your parents posted your achievements on the fridge (or took them to show your grandma, ya know, however your childhood rolled.) Or how great airborne hugs are (Hugs where one person is lifted off the ground), or rainbows, or little kids' art. I feel like we all need to be reminded of these little kinds of awesomes that happen all around us.

Airborne hugs... those really are awesome, aren't they?!?

Well, it's 1:30 and I gots church in the morning, so I should get to bed.

But I will leave you with this awesome thing:

Thousands of bouncy balls

Once when I was in church camp the dean bought a thousand or more bouncy balls in several different colors. Then he told us he had a surprise, took all the campers into the chapel, closed all the windows and doors and he and the rest of the staff  picked up boxes of balls (that we couldn't see inside of) and then all at once they threw them. There was some sort of game that we were doing in which we had to get as many of the balls gathered up as we could (per team) and I think the colors were worth different amounts of points, but I will never forget how much fun it was to suddenly be in the midst of a hailstorm of bouncy balls and the bedlam that took place as 60 campers or so tried to catch and gather all the balls bouncing everywhere. It was great. Check out this you-tube video to get an idea of how great it was.


  1. I love that commercial... I can't believe your church camp counselors did that! It must have been amazing!

  2. proud to say that I was a part of the faculty that week, and had some part of coming up with that idea, since the camp manager said we couldn't have them dropped from an airplane!

  3. You should have posted about the bouncy balls before the day we leave for camp!!


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