Monday, July 4, 2011

The 4th of July

When I was a little kid this was my favorite holiday. I liked Christmas and Easter and Halloween, but the 4th of July was my very favorite holiday. On the 4th (well, really just a Saturday sometime around the 4th) my whole (Miller-side) family gets together.. Christmas we might miss sometimes... Easter and Thanksgiving, pretty often... but if you can only be there for one holiday out of the year, the 4th is the one. It's nice because there is more space for everyone... There is a swing-set and a inflatable pool for the little kids... and lawn chairs, a porch swing, volleyball, and air-conditioning for the adults. When I was growing up there was a trampoline, too, but a windstorm got it I think.

Too bad, I kinda want a big old trampoline again... it's a good work out AND lots of fun.

I'm really glad that miniskirts went out of fashion with Dawson's Creek.

Also I just found a bolt on the keyboard tray of my desk... I don't know where it came from but I'm pretty sure my desk might be falling apart.

I think that fireworks might be magic... Little bits of light magic. There is a reason why Gandalf brings them to Bilbo's party. There is a reason why wands shoot off sparks sometimes and fairy dust and vampires (now) sparkle. There is a reason that proms and teenage girls overuse glitter. There is a reason why looking at my sparkly nails makes me happy. Magic.

Going to Branson tomorrow for shopping and to see Bill and Paula again... should be quite fun, but as it's 2:47 I should probably go to bed.

Love you all, and Happy 4th of July!

1 comment:

  1. I just saw a rack of mini skirts at target yesterday and was thinking how ugly they were. They might be coming back...


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