Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

I'm craving a love story.

But at the moment I can't even see the inkling of one in my personal life.

So I'm filling the gap by writing one... and reading one.... and watching movies about them... and television shows with them...

It takes a lot of flim-flammery to act as a stand in for an actual love.

It's strange.

I'm not desperate. I'm actually pretty content/happy.

But there is definitely a part of me that just isn't ok with the way things are.

It's a strange juxtaposition to hold inside of one's body.

Someday things will all fall into place and it will be like all those quotes on pinterest that say everything will make sense as to why it didn't fall into place earlier.

At least I hope so, cause I imagine I'll be a little irritated if we are both like, "Yeah, I don't have a clue why this didn't happen before."

Perhaps somewhere at this very moment God is rubbing His hands together gleefully as He orchestrates our lives to collide.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the devilishly handsome man pondered the exact thoughts only more manly-ly and with all the skills his vast brain and acerbic wit could muster. But, not being one to overly dwell on circumstances he cannot change, he laid his boy-ishly charming head down and went to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. So... you think he's on a ranch then!?! That bodes well!


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