Friday, April 6, 2012

Past in the Future.

So here's something kinda awesome. The other day I got a message from a friend who I went to college with. He is getting married in June and he and his fiancé are going to have a dessert bar of all their favorites things. And he asked me to make chocolate chip cookies for it.

To my uncles who once teased me that "of course all the boys "loved" my cookies, since I was giving them away"- I told you it was more than just the allure of free cookies. :P

Also I saw one of my former students today... I taught him 5 years ago, and it took me a minute to recognize him after he waved at me, but by the time he asked, "Do you remember me?" I had his name pulled from the corners of my memory and his most interesting factoid from the time I was teaching him. (I gave him a fake 5 o'clock shadow using lotion and coffee grounds for a movie in TV Productions.) And I wouldn't have even classified him as one of "mine." Thank you, memory, for being a rockstar.

Plus, it was one of the great times when you think that you actually probably look better now than you did the last time they saw you. What's that? Oh, yes, I do get progressively more attractive as I age. Thanks for noticing.

Someone told me yesterday that they could never read me. I responded that I'd sit my face down and tell it to start being more expressive.

But seriously... is it that bad? I feel like people can normally tell what I'm thinking/ feeling. And it's not like I *want* my every thought broadcasted to the world.... Maybe I only have micro expressions? You know what they say, the more gigantic the head, the tiny-er the expressions!

Maybe this person is just really bad at reading everyone.

 Let's go with that last one.. that's better.


  1. Truthfully, I can never read you, either! It's not that you are stoic or stony. You are just exceptionally demure. In a Jane-from-Pride-and-Prejudice way.

  2. Also, I think it's an open secret that women get more attractive as they age. Youth is overrated. Except for the knees. Youthful knees are the shiz-nit.

  3. haha. Youthful knees.

    Being easy to read isn't all it's cracked up to be. Only very gracious people can continue to be friends with me after I've accidentally shown obvious distaste for something they are really excited about. :)


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