Sunday, April 1, 2012

Short like a Fox!

I have a meeting with the graduate advisor for the MSU English Department on Tuesday evening.

Hopefully that goes well.

Oh something that might be of interest to you. You all know how short I am, right? (If you don't, let me tell, you, I'm short. 5' 3.75" And yes the .75 is that important.)

Well, as short as I am, I tower over all the other women on the Carney side of my family. Grandmother, mother, aunts, sister... I'm taller than them all... it's a *really* strange feeling. When I was trying on some heels in Target I felt like a giantess. I'm also a good head and shoulders taller than Pappy. I always say I overcame great adversity to be as tall as I am.. and it's very true.

Let's just say that I come from a diminutive clan. Short in stature but large in heart.

Oh, come on, don't scoff at me like that. Let's say it.

It makes me sound like I'm related to the Ewoks and that's like the coolest family reference ever... I bet they'd let me be a GA if I told them I was related to the Ewoks.

That should totally be a question on the application.

Check all boxes that apply:

Can claim familial affiliation with:
☐ Native Americans
☐ African Americans
☐ Ewok Americans

If you checked the last box: Welcome on board, you adorable thing, you!

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